the remarkable accomplishment of a novel contribution in the much explored area of early modern philosophy.
Giovanni Gellera, Journal of Scottish Philosophy a
This account of 17th-century British philosophy highlights the cultural, social, and intellectual issues embedded in philosophical discussions of the era. Hutton's impressive reconstruction of the contributions of and interactions among a large cast of individuals, minor as well as major, leaves readers with a lively sense of the broad intellectual flavor of the day...Recommended.
D. C. Kolb, CHOICE
an important contribution ... a truly comprehensive narrative of seventeenth- century British philosophy. ... Hutton's book is an impeccable work of scholarship and one that will serve as an essential point of reference for years to come.
Christopher Tilmouth, Seventeenth Century
Sarah Hutton is an excellent choice for author. She is an eminent senior scholar with an extensive publication record...Hutton does a wonderful job presenting a large body of diverse and complicated material accurately and concisely. She is to be commended heartily.
Benjamin Hill, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews Online