<i>The Bloomsbury Handbook of Pragmatism</i> demonstrates the enduring relevance of philosophical pragmatism. Its focus is on pragmatism as a contemporary practice, not just a historical phenomenon. As such, it is an excellent resource for scholars and students, both those new to pragmatism and those who are currently working in the area. The chapters are well-written, informative, and insightful.
Keith Dromm, Professor of Philosophy, Louisiana Scholars' College, USA
The new, expanded edition of <i>The Bloomsbury Handbook of Pragmatism</i> nicely rejuvenates what was already an impressive volume. With carefully chosen, often timely topics, it enables the reader to quickly get up to speed on the latest research in pragmatism.
Cornelis de Waal, Professor of Philosophy, Indiana University, USA
This is a welcomed, well-revised edition of already the best handbook of American pragmatism. Discussing both the theory and especially the broad applications of pragmatism, its contributors are among pragmatism’s leading scholars and interpreters. Both newcomers to pragmatism and advanced scholars will find it highly valuable.
Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor of Philosophy and Africana Studies and Associate Director, Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA