People unfamiliar with the field will have a lot to learn from this book, and even most experts will find that they learn something new. Dale Jacquette has left us with a lot to think about.
The Heythrop Journal
This set of rich essays provides ample evidence that, contrary to the claims of some, consciousness has not yet been fully explained! From the common-sensical to the historical and the analytic, and from zombies, to robots, to bats--these diverse and provocative essays provide a variety of vectors by which to approach the meaning and the actuality of consciousness.
- Douglas Anderson, Professor of Philosophy, University of North Texas, USA,
This first anthology devoted solely to the problem of consciousness is breathtakingly comprehensive, accessible, and enlightening. Jacquette has assembled a diverse group of seminal thinkers from many different traditions to address the issues surrounding the central problem in the philosophy of mind: What is consciousness? Their insights are original, their writing, engaging, and their contributions promise to influence future research for years to come.
- Theodore Schick, Jr., Professor of Philosophy, Muhlenberg College, USA,
It is a wise editor who would say, âThere is thankfully no party line philosophically in consciousness studies.â This is attractively evident in Dale Jacquetteâs choice of authors, several of whom first attained their philosophical reputations in areas of no close link to the puzzles of consciousness. In some areas of study, the same handful of authors, representing such rival positions as their chance to be, show up repeatedly in handbooks and conference proceedings. They are, in a way, closed-shop enterprises, offering little in the way of innovation or growth. Consciousness is different. Its philosophy is a Gold Rush, in which new paradigms are launched and claims are staked, as this excellent <i>Companion </i>refreshingly attests.
- John Woods, Director of The Abductive Systems Group and The UBC Honorary Professor of Logic, University of British Columbia, Canada,