"This is a thoroughly enjoyable read, shedding a lot of light on the members, music, and society with regards to everything from religion to family." ( San Francisco Book Review and Sacramento Book Review , 14 March2013) "This is a thoroughly enjoyable read, shedding a lot of light on the members, music, and society with regards to everything from religion to family." ( City Book Review , 1 March 2013) "Black Sabbath & Philosophy is a wholly absorbing read large ... A long-overdue work, and a rewarding one both for fans and those curious about the philosophical gravity behind all those murky riffs." ( PopMatters , 11 January 2013) "Much like Black Sabbath themselves, this wide-ranging, amusing book entertains and makes your brain ache in equal measure." ( Record Collector , 1 December 2012) "A book to dip into, that will get you thinking and almost certainly have you going back and listening to your old Black Sabbath albums in a different light. Highly recommended." ( Get Ready to Rock , 20 November 2012)