Mendieta's knowledge and versatility in both European and Latin American philosophy make him the natural scholar to edit a collection of Dussel's work on the ethics of liberation. This is a signal contribution that points toward another paradigm of knowledge.
- Walter D. Mignolo, William H Wannamaker Professor and Director, Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke University,
Enrique Dussel's eclectic and ethical philosophy is as urgent to read as it was urgently written.
- Doris Sommer, Ira Jewell Williams, Jr., Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, and director of Graduate Studies in Spanish at Harvard,
This fine collection of essays is a must-read for scholars interested in thought that brings the genuinely 'critical' dimension back to the world of ideas in this unfortunate age of disciplinary decadence.
- Lewis Gordon, Professor of Philosophy and Africana Studies, University of Connecticut,
Enrique Dussel's writing offers a unique combination of ethics, postcolonial political theory, and liberation theology. For several decades his has been an important voice calling for visions of a better global future. Mendieta's translations and introduction ably amplify that voice for English reading audiences....
- Iris Marion Young, professor of political science at the University of Chicago,
Enrique Dussel's writing offers a unique combination of ethics, postcolonial political theory, and liberation theology. For several decades his has been an important voice calling for visions of a better global future. Mendieta's translations and introduction ably amplify that voice for English reading audiences.
- Iris Marion Young, professor of political science at the University of Chicago,