this book will appeal to those interested in a well-argued, multidisciplinary examination of the role of art in human evolution.
J. R. Couch, CHOICE
[T]his book is of considerable value. Taking Davies's criticisms seriously would certainly enhance the quality of research in this area.
James Grant, Mind
Davies book represents a rare achievement of lucid explanation and fair-minded analysis in an interdisciplinary field too often entrenched within dogmatic camps.
Denny Kinlaw, Transpositions
In a field dense with hobby-horses and portentous musings, philosopher Stephen Davies does sterling work for clarity as he outlines the concepts, the problems and the difficulties with all the available explanations.
Marek Kohn, The Independent
comprehensive, well-organized, and cogently argued
Troy Jollimore, Boston Globe
This spare and elegant treatise by philosopher of aesthetics Stephen Davies posits that art is part of human nature, and is tied in a number of ways to human evolution.