Part I: Science and the Signifier
I.1 “The Cunning of the Signifier”, Henrik Jøker Bjerre (Aalborg University, Denmark)
I.2 “The Echo of the Signifier in the Body: On Drives Today”, Juliet Flower MacCannell (University of California, USA)
I.3 “Secret in the Body – the Fantasy Structure of Genes and Brains”, Renata Salecl (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and Birkbeck College, UK)
Part II: From Couch to Culture
II.1 “Drives and Culture”, Mladen Dolar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and European Graduate School, Switzerland)
II.2 Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac and the Four Discourses, Kirsten Hyldgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)
II.3 “Courtly Capitalism”, Center for Wild Analysis
II.4 “Is there a Way out of the Capitalist Discourse?”, René Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen)
Part III: Application
III.1 “Examples and Surplus-Meaning”, Brian Benjamin Hansen (VIA University College, Denmark)
III.2 "Literature as Philosophy of the Real: Ethics and Sexual Difference in Coetzee’s Disgrace", Kari Jegerstedt (University of Bergen, Norway)
III.3 “When I am Beside Myself”, Linus Nicolai Carlsen (University of Copenhagen)
III.4 “Analysis Sounds Boring – Is there an Analytical Potential in Modern Electronic Music?”, Anders Ruby (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Part IV: Materiality and the Signifier
IV.1 “Lol V. Stein to the Letter”, Ida Nissen Bjerre (University of Copenhagen)
IV.2 "Lacan and the Archeology of the Subject", Carin Franzén (Linköping University, Sweden)
IV.3 “The Signifiers of Cherry Ripe – On the Trauma and Repetition of an Art-historical Motif”, Jakob Rosendal (The Women’s Museum, Denmark) (editor: Lilian Munk Rösing, University of Copenhagen)
IV.4 “Colour of Flesh, Flesh of Colour”, Lilian Munk Rösing (University of Copenhagen)
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