'This brilliant volume offers a compilation of twenty two papers that result from an exciting collaboration between the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research and a project of the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.' -- Journal of the American Oriental Society Journal of the American Oriental Society 'this is an impressively edited and beautifully finished volume which will be an obligatory reference work for future authors studying textiles in Ancient Near East and the eastern Mediterranean area.' -- Aula Orientalis Aula Orientalis ...bildet dieser Band einen zentralen Beitrag fur die Erforschung der antiken Textilwirtschaft abseits der Archaologie, bietet er doch eine profunde Zusammenschau des Kenntnisstandes zu einzelnen Regionen bzw. Sprachraumen wahrend der Bronze- und Eisenzeit, die wertvolle Anregungen auch fur Historiker und Philologen spaterer Epochen geben kann, Stoffe und Gewander in ihre For-schungen einzubeziehen. -- Marburger Beitrage Zur Antiken Handels-, Wirtschafts- Und Sozialgeschichte Marburger Beitrage Zur Antiken Handels-, Wirtschafts- Und Sozialgeschichte I found the book incredibly stimulating, and a worthy addition to the terminologist's bookshelf. -- LSP Journal of Copenhagen Business School LSP Journal of Copenhagen Business School This volume will be a valuable resource for specialists working in the field, and will also be useful for non-specialist readers with an interest in textile studies or in ancient eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern economy and society. -- Ancient West & East Ancient West & East