the editors of this volume deserve great credit for their fine edition of the 4QS manuscripts. Apart from the 4QS texts expertly presented here, the learned and meticulous commentaries are set to become a standard resource for scholars working on the Community Rule. The two 'related texts' are sure to attract scholarly attention in the years to come.
Charlotte Hempel, Journal of Jewish Studies, 2000.
The accompanying commentaries are meticulous. In their comments on the Cave 4 fragments the editors regularly pay close attention to a wealth of philogical detail in the text of IQS, so much so that it is forseeable that the volume under review will establish itself as a rich resource on the text of IQS also.
Charlotte Hempel, Journal of Jewish Studies, 2000.
[the] general introdction ... itself consitutes a scholarly contribution to the study of the Community Rule in its own right. Particuarly useful features are the excelletn tables.
Charlotte Hempel, Journal of Jewish Studies, 2000.
an edition of the ten manuscripts ... these fragmentary manuscripts are amongst the most significant and fascinating treasures to have come out of Cave 4.
Charlotte Hempel, Journal of Jewish Studies, 2000.
This volume comprises a wealth of new texts from Qumran that, like a sizeable portion of the cave 4 corpus, enrich our knowledge of Second Temple Judaism far beyond the confines of a small sectarian group.
Charlotte Hempel, JOurnal of Semitic Studies Vol.45 No.1