"This book has been sorely needed for generations! ...every serious karateka absolutely must own." -- Philip Starr, Inside Kung Fu Hall of Fame Member, founder of Yiliquan "If you want to develop real strength, speed, endurance, and power... buy this book. It should be required reading..." -- Lawrence A. Kane, martial artist, author of Surviving Armed Assaults, co-author of The Little Black Book of Violence and Scaling Force "...dispels the myths... straightforward and accessible ... put the lessons of Sanchin to the test... a truly great piece of work..." -- Iain Abernethy, 6th Dan, World Combat Association Chief International Coach, author of Mental Strength, Throws for Strikers, and Karate's Grappling Methods

Many practitioners believe that Sanchin Kata holds the key to mastering traditional martial arts. It is one of the simplest forms to learn, yet one of the most difficult to perfect. Those who truly understand its teachings find that it facilitates enormous quickness and power in any martial application. The challenge lies in gaining that understanding, which is something we had to uncover ourselves by trial and error...until now. When Karate or Ti" was first developed in Okinawa, it was about using technique and extraordinary power to end a fight instantly. These old ways of generating remarkable power are still accessible, but they are purposefully hidden in Sanchin Kata for the truly dedicated to find. This book takes you to new depths of practice by breaking down the form piece by piece, body part by body part, so that the very foundation of the kata is revealed. Test it. Every chapter, concept, and application is accompanied by a test it section, designed for you to explore and verify the kata for yourself. Sanchin Kata really comes alive when you can feel the thrill of having those hidden teachings speak to you through your body across the ages. No other document or video available today provides such depth and exploration of Sanchin Kata. Simply put: once you read this book and test what you have learned, your Karate will never be the same. Contents Include:* Movement Not Seen* The Crescent Step* The Spine* Bones, Sinew, and Muscle* The Energetic Structure* The Mechanical Structure* Iron Shirt* Rooting* The Mind* Ten-minute Sanchin* The 5:7 Ratio* The Entire Traditional Kata in step-by-step Movement* And Much More!
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When Karate or Ti was first developed in Okinawa it was about using technique and extraordinary power to end a fight instantly. These old ways of generating remarkable power are still accessible, but they are purposefully hidden in Sanchin Kata for the truly dedicated to find. This book reveals the very foundation of the kata.
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YMAA Publication Center
427 gr
238 mm
184 mm
G, 01
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Kris Wilder began his martial arts training in 1976 in the art of Tae Kwon Do, he has earned black belt-level ranks in three arts: Tae Kwon Do (2nd Degree), Kodokan Judo (1st Degree) and Goju-Ryu Karate (5th Degree), which he teaches at the West Seattle Karate Academy. He is a regular columnist for Traditional Karate Magazine.