This is the book I wish I'd had when I started outthe authors have forgotten more than most writers will ever know about making your training experience rich and meaningful." -- Arthur Rosenfeld, martial arts instructor and author of The Cutting Season "Kane and Wilder not only succeed in defining a functional path to attaining yudansha level they also effectively bring back meaning and lost value to this important journey. In fact, it is so good I wish I had written it myself." -- Patrick McCarthy, Hanshi 8th dan black belt, International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society "While this book targets students who are studying to achieve their black belt, it at the same time illuminates a path far beyond this limited goal.Reading this book will help anyone for whom the goal of a black belt seems nearly impossible to consider that maybe you're wrong. Not only do I feel inspired, but I now have a ton of great ideas and advice on how to make the most of my training along the way." -- Christopher Caile, 6th dan black belt, Editor of