"An excellent concise guide to the many medical uses of Qigong, useful for both professional therapists and self-healing practice. Its a short book that is long on valuable information." -- Michael Winn, President of National Qigong Association (USA), author (with Mantak Chia) of six books on Qigong, including Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy "This remarkable book may prove to be one of the most important elucidations of Qigong theory ever printed..." -- Bill Clement, Feng Shui Information Resource "... the perfect addition to the health conscious individual's home library, and great traveler's companion. Its trimsize and practical approach make it a reference you want to keep with you at all times." -- Roger Jahnke, O.M.D., author "Unlike other books in my library on Qigong, the directions given in Xu Xiangcai's book are very specific and crystal clear...[this] book belongs in the serious health student's library..." -- Chet Day, author of 21 Days to Health & Beyond H&B Weekly

Finalist - Health - Book of the Year Award ForeWord Magazine 2000 Wouldn't it be nice to stop common ailments before they happen? We can prevent many of them once we have the proper knowledge. This book, Qigong for Treating Common Ailments, provides a system for maintaining overall health while addressing specific problems with exact treatments. All natural, safe, and easy to learn, these exercises provide a life-long path to wellness! This re-edited edition, originally published by a university press in China, is essential for the home health library! * Protect & Strengthen the Internal Organs with Qigong Exercises.*26 Simple Qigong Exercises. * Improve Circulation and Overall Health using Qigong Massage Methods.* Discover a Wide Variety of Breathing and Relaxation Techniques.*19 Specific Treatments for Common Ailments. * Easy to Learn and Easy to Practice!
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So many ailments that happen to us and our families are simple to treat once we have the proper knowledge.


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Xu Xiangcai is President of the Great Wall International College of TCM, Associate President of Shandong University of National Culture, Standing Deputy Director of the All-China Society of English about TCM, and Professor at Shandong College of TCM. Hi is the chief editor of all twenty-one (21) volumes of The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM. Xu, Xiangcai resides in Jinan City, China.