<p><b>AWARDS</b></p><p><b>Finalist</b>: Sports: Best Books Awards by American Book Fest (2024)</p><p><br /></p><p>"<strong>A true masterpiece.</strong> <em>The Art and Science of Sword Fighting</em> provides a concise yet thorough encyclopedic-level knowledge of the sword, its history, the various designs and attributes, and the great masters who wielded them. But more significantly, this work serves as an instructional guide for anyone, at any level, who desires to understand the use of this weapon. The ingenious training aids along with the workouts and drills enhance your use of the weapon and will significantly improve your sword-fighting skills, will broaden your overall techniques, and will provide a solid foundation from which to develop a universal approach to modern-day sword fighting. AÂ perfect reference manual and instructional guide for both the beginner and the most advanced practitioner."Â <strong>â Master Michael J. Gallagher</strong>, USA Taekwondo national weapons champion, 2015 inductee of the Philadelphia Historic Martial Arts Society Hall of Fame, 2018 inductee of the Pennsylvania Karate Hall of Fame</p>
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<p>"A fountain of knowledge for sword fighting. If you want to know more than just basic sword techniques and want to learn how to actually fight with the sword, this is the book for you.</p>
<p>I have collected all of Master Varadyâs books and videos. Whatâs nice is how they all tie together through similar techniques and strategies, yet each book/video gives you new gems of knowledge. I have learned a lot through Master Varadyâs teaching and Iâm sure you will too."Â <strong>â Paul Peterson</strong>, Shihan, founder of Kingdom Karate</p>
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<p>"No matter if you are an expert fencer or just have a passing interest in swords and sword fighting, this book is well worth your time. It is so full of information that even a long-term practitioner may learn about something they didnât already know."Â <strong>â Sifu Brian William Jewell</strong>, author of <em>The Wisdom of Wing Chun </em>and <em>Life Lessons Learned Through Sparring</em></p>
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<p>"Drawing from a wide range of martial arts, Varady distills universal principles to create a style-neutral guide to mid-length and long blade. Whether your interests lie in modern sport fencing, <strong>HEMA</strong>, or kendo, this manual demonstrates the essential techniques that form the foundation of attack and defense across disciplines. While it is perfect for beginning and intermediate level students, advanced practitioners will also find it useful for both the analysis and breakdown of techniques and to learn some tips and tricks to put into their own game.</p>
<p>One added bonus for the beginner is Varadyâs guidance in selecting appropriate protective gear and in obtaining or constructing training equipment to meet your particular needs."Â <strong>â Bernie Mojzes</strong>, Shodan, Changâs School of Martial Arts, student Live Steel Fight Academy and Modern Gladiatorial Arts</p>
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<p>"<strong>Another home run from Grandmaster Joe Varady.</strong>Â The <em>Art and Science of Sword Fighting</em>Â presents the reader a master class in learning to fight with the sword. Grandmaster Joeâs background as a professional educator shines through as he takes the student on a logical progression of lessons, drills, and skill challenges. With a variety of solo and partner activities as well as sample workouts for each of the nine skill levels. Whether youâve studied sword fighting before or are a complete novice, this book should absolutely be part of your personal curriculum."Â <strong>â Sensei Seth Clearwater</strong>, instructor Satori Dojo</p>
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<p>"A comprehensive look at the history of sword fighting with step-by-step instructions on how to successfully train in swordsmanship. Complete with illustrations, this well-written book details methodical training steps to ensure proficiency through disciplined practice. Highly recommended!" â <strong>Master Terri Giamartino</strong></p>
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<p>"A comprehensive training system. <em>The Art and Science of Sword Fighting</em> is the <em>complete</em> instruction manual. The book wastes no time, diving straight into techniques while providing sufficient introduction and history. Varady explains and supports the techniques with the physics of sword fighting, research from historical master swordsmen of Europe and Asia, and his years of real-life experimentation.</p>
<p>Learn about the unique structure of one-handed short swords, two-handed long swords, and master swords. The training lessons cover footwork, defense, and attack angles, all illustrated with quality photographs that are easy to follow. As a master instructor, Varady provides mental preparation, safety, and the gritty but fair spirit of competition. He draws from his years of extensive experience in actual combat competition to produce an excellent training source.</p>
<p>Using illustrations, Master Varady describes how to build your own training targets and equipment and recommends the best professional armor and swords for training and competition.</p>
<p>All martial artists, whether beginner or expert, whether weaponless or armed, will benefit from reading this training guide. I did."Â <strong>â Michael A. Ponzio</strong>, Shichidan, Cuong Nhu Martial Arts</p>