Gordon Smith provides exact names, addresses, events and descriptions sharply relevant to a person's life and the lives of those they have known. -- Professor Archie E. Roy, Emeritus Professor of Astronomy, Glasgow University There is nothing ambiguous about the messages Gordon conveys. Hailed as Britain's most accurate medium. The Daily Mail There's no doubt for me he's the real deal. His accuracy had the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. Time Out Gordon's gift was to soothe the grief of the heartbroken, to give them hope. Daily Express Gordon Smith is down-to-earth about his heavenly talents. The Sunday Telegraph Magazine Medium to the stars The Daily Mirror Utterly compelling. Scotland on Sunday You don't meet men like Gordon Smith every day - he's the psychic barber who never needs to ask where you're going on holiday. The Scotsman Gordon's honest, gentle and humorous approach has deeply impressed me. Michelle Collins, actress The talent Gordon has been blessed with is something most of us can hardly believe, but... the help he has given others in easing their pain is surely his greatest gift. He's also a reasonable barber! Ally McCoist, MBE, sporting personality
Om bidragsyterne
Gordon Smith is an astoundingly accurate medium renowned for his ability to give exact names of people, places and even street names relevant to a person's life. Gordon travels around the world teaching, demonstrating his abilities and offering healing and comfort to thousands of people. His extraordinary skills have attracted the attention of university scientists researching psychic phenomena, as well as countless journalists and documentary producers.