"Right now, more celebs than ever are jumping on the 'Legalize' bandwagon. Why? Because it’s safe now. It won’t impact your career anymore. But Jesse Ventura has been a solid proponent of legal cannabis for decades. In <i>Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto</i>, he lays out the good sense of legalization, as well as the sheer insanity of prohibition. As a proud American, he pulls no punches calling out the political elite. - <b>Dan Skye, <i>High Times</i> editor-in-chief</b><br /><br />"Ventura is ultimately quite convincing about the ineffectuality of the War on Drugs, and on the contradictions and corruptions of the Drug Enforcement Administration, a particular bugbear of his." - <b>Michael Lindgren, <i>The Washington Post</i></b><br /><br />"As an ex-governor of a Midwestern state as well as an ex-Navy SEAL, Vietnam War veteran who currently lives in a solar-powered, off-the-grid location on the Baja Peninsula, Mr. Ventura is in quite the unique position to weigh in on ending the fruitless "War on Drugs" and the legalization of cannabis in the United States. In <i>Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto</i>, he lays out a common sense, well-researched, and well meant point of view. I'm in." - <b>Henry Rollins</b><br /><br />"Gov. Ventura clearly understands the failure of marijuana prohibition and the damage it has caused in terms of liberty, economic burden, and human suffering. This book represents an innovative way forward." - <b>Morgan Fox, Communications Manager, Marijuana Policy Project</b><br /><br />"Governor Ventura presents a compelling argument that Medical Marijuana is about Rights, not Rules." - <b>Steve Kubby</b><br /><br />We have a lot in common we both like fanny packs, we both don’t know how to skate, we both like pot Jesse Ventura for president 2020. Make it happen, folks!” - <b>Joe Rogan</b><br /><br />If people really knew the history of marijuana prohibition laws, they would demand repeal. In other words, read Jesse Ventura’s book!” - <b>Judge James P. Gray; former Superior Court Judge of Orange County, CA and 2012 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee</b><br /><br />"<b><i>Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto</i></b><i> is an up-to-date and well researched pro-pot polemical that, like the former Minnesota Governor himself, delves into areas that most conventional media outlets, commentators and politicians shy away from. Ventura is both praiseful and critical of the emerging cannabis industry, its lobbyists, and the types of legal and cultural precedents these changes are currently having on the nation and world. There are a multitude of well published books today regarding cooking with cannabis, cultivating it, medicinal use, and even adult cannabis coloring books, but for serious readers looking for a more substantive political discussion about America's changing cannabis laws, <b><i>Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto</i></b></i><i> will not disappoint." - <b>Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of NORML</b><br /><br />"Ventura's opinions can seem one moment fringe and conspiratorial and the next completely reasonable, and sometimes both at once. He has always been a maverick, afraid of nobody, and trusting of few." - <b>Brian Blickenstaff, VICE Sports</b><br /><br />"Though we often disagree and I told him so, from the safety of my phone I’m glad Jesse’s out there... He is our first amendment incarnate... In a world of corporate shills and empty talking points, I’ll drink a cup of conspiracy with my free speech every single time. Now, somebody, please hire the guy for God sakes! And buy his book!" - <b>Steve Faktor, <i>Forbes</i> contributor</b><br /><br />"Jesse Ventura is a truth-teller who doesn't care who he pisses off. He proves it again in this timely book." - <b>Roger Stone, <i>New York Times</i> Bestselling author of <i>The Man Who Killed Kennedy</i></b><br /><br />"In his new book, <i><b>Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto</b></i><b>, which he co-wrote with Jen Hobbs, Ventura offers a lucid, rights-based defense of marijuana legalization." - <b>Sean Illing, VOX.com</b><br /><br />"A well-reasoned argument for ending prohibition, but it truly stands out as an obsessively researched and detailed indictment against the Drug War and its many profit-motivated warriors." - <b>David Jenison, prohbtd.com</b></b></i>
"Right now, more celebs than ever are jumping on the 'Legalize' bandwagon. Why? Because it’s safe now. It won’t impact your career anymore. But Jesse Ventura has been a solid proponent of legal cannabis for decades. In <i>Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto</i>, he lays out the good sense of legalization, as well as the sheer insanity of prohibition. As a proud American, he pulls no punches calling out the political elite. - <b>Dan Skye, <i>High Times</i> editor-in-chief</b><br /><br />"Ventura is ultimately quite convincing about the ineffectuality of the War on Drugs, and on the contradictions and corruptions of the Drug Enforcement Administration, a particular bugbear of his." - <b>Michael Lindgren, <i>The Washington Post</i></b><br /><br />"As an ex-governor of a Midwestern state as well as an ex-Navy SEAL, Vietnam War veteran who currently lives in a solar-powered, off-the-grid location on the Baja Peninsula, Mr. Ventura is in quite the unique position to weigh in on ending the fruitless "War on Drugs" and the legalization of cannabis in the United States. In <i>Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto</i>, he lays out a common sense, well-researched, and well meant point of view. I'm in." - <b>Henry Rollins</b><br /><br />"Gov. Ventura clearly understands the failure of marijuana prohibition and the damage it has caused in terms of liberty, economic burden, and human suffering. This book represents an innovative way forward." - <b>Morgan Fox, Communications Manager, Marijuana Policy Project</b><br /><br />"Governor Ventura presents a compelling argument that Medical Marijuana is about Rights, not Rules." - <b>Steve Kubby</b><br /><br />We have a lot in common we both like fanny packs, we both don’t know how to skate, we both like pot Jesse Ventura for president 2020. Make it happen, folks!” - <b>Joe Rogan</b><br /><br />If people really knew the history of marijuana prohibition laws, they would demand repeal. In other words, read Jesse Ventura’s book!” - <b>Judge James P. Gray; former Superior Court Judge of Orange County, CA and 2012 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee</b><br /><br />"<b><i>Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto</i></b><i> is an up-to-date and well researched pro-pot polemical that, like the former Minnesota Governor himself, delves into areas that most conventional media outlets, commentators and politicians shy away from. Ventura is both praiseful and critical of the emerging cannabis industry, its lobbyists, and the types of legal and cultural precedents these changes are currently having on the nation and world. There are a multitude of well published books today regarding cooking with cannabis, cultivating it, medicinal use, and even adult cannabis coloring books, but for serious readers looking for a more substantive political discussion about America's changing cannabis laws, <b><i>Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto</i></b></i><i> will not disappoint." - <b>Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of NORML</b><br /><br />"Ventura's opinions can seem one moment fringe and conspiratorial and the next completely reasonable, and sometimes both at once. He has always been a maverick, afraid of nobody, and trusting of few." - <b>Brian Blickenstaff, VICE Sports</b><br /><br />"Though we often disagree and I told him so, from the safety of my phone I’m glad Jesse’s out there... He is our first amendment incarnate... In a world of corporate shills and empty talking points, I’ll drink a cup of conspiracy with my free speech every single time. Now, somebody, please hire the guy for God sakes! And buy his book!" - <b>Steve Faktor, <i>Forbes</i> contributor</b><br /><br />"Jesse Ventura is a truth-teller who doesn't care who he pisses off. He proves it again in this timely book." - <b>Roger Stone, <i>New York Times</i> Bestselling author of <i>The Man Who Killed Kennedy</i></b><br /><br />"In his new book, <i><b>Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto</b></i><b>, which he co-wrote with Jen Hobbs, Ventura offers a lucid, rights-based defense of marijuana legalization." - <b>Sean Illing, VOX.com</b><br /><br />"A well-reasoned argument for ending prohibition, but it truly stands out as an obsessively researched and detailed indictment against the Drug War and its many profit-motivated warriors." - <b>David Jenison, prohbtd.com</b></b></i>