Beyond Menopause is a woman’s journey into her body-mind-spirit wholeness at a time of life when there is great change and transformation. It provides a road map with tools and guidance to navigate through the whole self, using aspects of functional medicine, integrative care, and energy medicine techniques. An empowering guide for women to feel fully embodied, energized, and enlightened!
Deanna Minich, PhD
Nutrition scientist, educator, and author of Whole Detox
As it turns out, menopause has the potential to be a gateway into an exciting and fulfilling phase of life…but only if we pay attention to the very things outlined in this wonderful book—the health of our minds, bodies, and spirits. We are not designed to disintegrate after the age of 50. We are meant to flourish. Beyond Menopause lays out the blueprint.
Christiane Northrup, MD
New York Times bestselling author of The Wisdom of Menopause
Through story, clinical pearls, and practical advice, Beyond Menopause is an invaluable resource for all women patients and clinicians alike. This beautiful collaborative work should be essential for any woman’s library. Inspiring, honest, and full of wisdom, you will find yourself referencing it again and again.
Tabatha Parker, ND
Executive Director, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine