<i>“Activating Your 5D Frequency</i> comes at the perfect time, as the veils between the dimensions are dissolving. At this crucial crossroads, this graceful, down-to-earth work guides us to release the false 3D self, offering clear steps to shift our vibration into 5D. Corvin-Blackburn rings a clarion call to drop the old illusions, embrace our shadow side, and claim our true selves and true empowerment. An illuminating, enjoyable, much-needed message!”
Caroline Oceana Ryan, speaker, channeler, and author of Earth Life Challenges
“A work of genius! <i>Activating Your 5D Frequency</i> is right on time, offering humanity a clear and concise cosmological guidebook for navigating the frequencies of the nine-dimensional axis of consciousness and supporting us as we collectively shift into fifth-dimensional humans of the heart.”
Carley Mattimore, M.S., L.C.P.C., coauthor of Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa
“Judith has written a connect-the-dots compendium of our transition from 3D to 5D consciousness. Full of exercises designed to help us recognize and expand 5D consciousness as it already exists, this book also suggests life choices we can collectively implement that will lift our planet to a new level of harmony and cooperation. This book is a worthy contribution to this body of interest.”
Ruby Falconer, coauthor of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology
“A treasure trove of exquisitely timed teachings and exercises that will take us to the next level of our glorious human destiny with ease. I couldn’t stop reading once I started, and I plan to make this top-notch book required reading for my students!”
Amrita Grace, author of Reclaiming Aphrodite
“This book is a vision of a new way of life, yet you will recognize its vibration as that which already lives within you, ready to be given encouragement to quicken and emerge. Judith has mapped the path in a clear, loving, and no-nonsense style that makes this accessible to everyone on a spiritual path. If you are ready to understand and shift into what it takes to live as a fifth-dimensional human, the teaching has arrived.”
Anyaa T. McAndrew, M.A., L.P.C., N.C.C., psychotherapist, priestess, and astrologer
“Judith is furthering one of the most important conversations of our time: who are we becoming? With tools to access, activate, and assist the ascension into our 5D multidimensional creative potential, she reminds us that we are on track to create a New Earth. I’m excited to be a part of the planetary team!”
Thea Summer Deer, D.S.P.S., herbalist, educator, and author of Wisdom of the Plant Devas
“These challenging times require us all not to lose heart and to live more consciously as heart-centered beings, bringing as much love, compassion, emotional clarity, and wisdom as possible to our lives and to the world in which we live. In this shared task, seasoned psychotherapist and wisewoman Judith Corvin-Blackburn is an inspired visionary coach and, at the same time, as accessible a guide as you would want your next-door neighbor to be.”
Joe Landwehr, author of The Seven Gates of Soul and Tracking the Soul with an Astrology of Conscious
“Judith came into this life as a way-shower and for decades has been helping people learn to free themselves from ego-based entanglements and limitations of the third-dimensional paradigm. In this book, she takes us a quantum step further to fifth-dimensional living in the heart-centered realm of unconditional love, with freedom from fear and limitation.”
John Hornecker, author of Quantum Transformation
“Get ready for a shift in consciousness! This profound book is beautifully crafted and provides guidance that will quickly have you feeling empowered, connected, and experiencing your life from a higher level of awareness. <i>Activating Your 5D Frequency</i> is just what our planet and all of its inhabitants need right now.”
Tammy Billups, author of Animal Soul Contracts and Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions
“This book is a powerful finger on the pulse of humanity in these difficult times. Judith creates purpose and possibilities for the human race to navigate into higher frequencies that allow our bodies, our souls, our planet, and our multidimensional existence to be healed. Embrace this model for strong boundaries, creative and inspired flow throughout your multidimensional nature, and you too will embrace 5D activation on your way to empowered spirit.”
Ruth Souther, author of Vega’s Path and The Heart of Tarot
“We live in multidimensional quantum times. Spirit is knocking at the doors of our awareness to open and step through into a larger reality. Judith masterfully escorts us through that doorway. In her own gentle and insightful way, she opens these higher dimensions to us and shows us how to use them to heal and transform those all too human parts of ourselves and become the limitless creator beings we have always been destined to be.”
Meredith Davis, healer, spiritual teacher, and quantum shift healing and breathwork coach
“Activating Your 5D Frequency provides the vital connective tissue needed for any spiritual traveler to negotiate human life and remain in wholeness. Judith gives us the ‘kitchen sink’ experience for our ascent to 5D human consciousness. Her conclusion reinforces the truth found in so many wisdom teachings: the key to higher consciousness lies in our hearts.”
Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, Ph.D., author of The Evolutionary Empath
“I wasn’t expecting to have an actual physical reaction to a book about our multidimensionality, but this book has an energy that is palpable. I don’t usually buy into the thought when I hear someone say, ‘Just reading the book changed or uplifted my vibration,’ but I have to retract that now. This one does have its very own energetic imprint. Thank you, Judith, for helping me feel dimensions of myself that were never fully engaged before.”
Yvonne Scott, community food security strategist and author of Simply Garden Small!