""What Good to Great does for companies, Transformed! does for people.""  —Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

“The Wrights’ book is about transformation that taps human potential at all levels. The strength and commitment of the people they coach and train is proof of their effectiveness.” —Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate and Founder of Grameen Bank

“I've seen the results of the Wrights’ science-based, proven technologies in leaders and folks from all walks of life, and the results are unique and powerful. The integrity, critical thinking, and accomplishments of their students are remarkable.”
—Brad Anderson, former CEO, Best Buy

""Thanks to Dr. Judith Wright and Dr. Bob Wright, we now have a powerful and comprehensive toolkit for personal and global awakening. If you are ready to activate your visionary birthright, read and apply what you learn in this 'must-absorb' new book. You will absolutely see significant changes in every domain of your life."" —Barnet Bain, producer of What Dreams May Come and The Celestine Prophecy and member of the Transformational Leadership Council

“It is so wonderful to see the work being done by Bob and Judith Wright to get people in touch with their deep inner selves, full of divine potential. We are not put on Earth simply to eat, drink and ‘be merry’ and yet few acknowledge this crucial truth while there is still time to do much more. Only in the last stages of life do people tend to realize that eating and drinking have not made them either ‘merry’ or even fulfilled on any level. I am so proud of the Wrights for their commitment to helping people blossom and unfold into the divine beings they truly are, and infusing them with courage, conviction, and concrete tools to live that infinite potential. The more people who undergo their trainings and carry that message into the world, the brighter the future—on individual levels and on a global level—will look.”
—H. H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj, President and Spiritual Head of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India

“Are you ready for a real makeover? This is not a reality show nor a self-help book of the past, it is your reality and hope for a new life. In their new book, Judith and Bob serve a feast of tips and techniques for self-transformation. Their recipe is a blend of the spices of life—find your passions—and anchoring them in nutritional staples of our diet—to helping others create a better society, better communities, and better-performing organizations. Their energizing style and engaging stories invoke a double shot of efficacy on your path to the possibilities for your dreams.”
—Richard Boyatzis, Distinguished University Professor, Departments of Psychology, Cognitive Science and Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University; Adjunct Professor of Human Resources, ESADE; Co-author with Dan Goleman and Annie McKee of the international bestseller Primal Leadership, and Co-author with Annie McKee of Resonant Leadership and Becoming a Resonant Leader

“The Wrights truly understand transformation and transformational processes. I like that they ground their work in scientific findings, and they keep abreast of research literature across a wide range of fields. This is a terrific guide to personal transformation.”
—Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., Henry R. Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology, Kravis Leadership Institute, Claremont McKenna College, and Co-author of Transformational Leadership

“Transformed! is a must read for practitioners and lifelong learners alike in order to create blueprints for spectacular living.”
—Dr. Bernard Luskin, President-Elect, The Society for Media Psychology and Technology of the American Psychological Association (APA); practicing licensed psychotherapist, research psychologist

“Want a great career, relationships, spiritual life? Then become Transformed! The Wrights’ personal transformation process is truly unique. Their science-based, proven technologies help build leaders by transforming oneself from the inside out.”
—David Mager, Co-COO, Deepak HomeBase

“A tour-de-force ‘owner’s manual’ for living a great life. Transformed! is a thoughtful, step-by-step, and practical guide. Eminently readable, the book brilliantly  balances real-world examples of transforming individuals with the scientific underpinnings that govern the forces at work within each and every one of us.”
—M. Salahuddin Khan, Author of Sikander, former CTO & CMO of Navteq, Managing Principal of QMarket Associates, Management Consulting

“Rarely do we see brilliant research combined with inspiration and practical exercises in one body of work. If you’ve wondered how the latest in neuroscience, behavioral economics, and positive psychology can converge to produce transformation and if you have to pick one book to read and recommend . . . this is it.”
—Marcia Wieder, CEO/Founder, Dream University

“Any organizational leader who intends to have a positive, lasting impact in our changing world must commit themselves to their own personal transformation. Bob and Judith Wright have made it their lives’ work to discover what it takes to transform from the inside out and live a great life, personally and professionally. What they have put together here is a profound source of inspiration and a practical guide for anyone on that path.”
—Robert White, Principal, Extraordinary People LLC and Author of Living an Extraordinary Life

“Drs. Judith and Bob Wright’s book breaks the mold from rhetoric to real life miracles. It inspires people to dream, to adventure and connect with what really matters in order to have a truly meaningful life.”
—Dr. Ray Blanchard, Visionary Leader, Co-producer of The ANSWER to Absolutely Everything, Co-author of the bestseller The Art and Science of Success

“Judith and Bob Wright excel at connecting the dots between dreams and deliverables. Highly mutual and grounded in practicality, their tools and strategies have catalyzed key personal transformations in me that have been essential for growth and success in business and the world.”
—Matt Booty, Former President and CEO of Midway Games, Inc.

“Today, tragically, many people resign themselves to a life of achievement instead of fulfillment, entertainment instead of deep satisfaction, amusement instead of joy, and sensory pleasure instead of love. They believe this is ‘as good as it gets.’ The unique greatness of the work being done by Robert and Judith Wright is that they not only inspire people to reach for more, but they actually show people how to find it. . . . The Wrights weave together ancient wisdom and modern neuropsychology to explain why so many of us are resigned to living as seeds and, thankfully, how to get that seed to sprout and blossom!”
—Dr. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Parmarth Niketan Ashram Administrator, Rishikesh, India

“I’ve been a reader of personal development books for what seems like forever. All good and interesting, but not necessarily actionable. The Wrights are all about results, and I feel like living proof! Change—really, transformation—is no longer just good theory, but it’s real! The roadmap described in this book is gold—and my career, my marriage and relationships, and my sense of purpose are all huge beneficiaries.”
—Thomas Terry, Former CEO, J.P. Morgan Benefit and Retirement Strategies

“The key principles captured in this dynamic book guide my insights and priorities every day.”
—Kirk Hallowell, Ph.D., author of The Million Dollar Race: An Insider’s Guide to Winning Your Dream Job

“The model and process that [Dr. Bob and Dr. Judith Wright] share in this book work at a foundational level, thereby creating a natural gravitational pull toward greater health and abundant living. This makes the difference between knowing something in your head vs. living it in your heart!”
—Laura Barrows, Psy.D.

“Bob and Judith are sharing with us their treasure chest of transformation. These principles and strategies work. I have experienced the transforming power of Evolating for more than twenty years as the Wright’s have been developing and refining their theories and methodologies. I am experiencing the life-enriching results of Evolating in all areas of my life, including my own growth work, my marriage, my family, my counseling practice, and my ministry. I am seeing the Wright principles of transformation being multiplied exponentially every day in the lives of the people I care about. These principles impact all my relationships, most importantly my relationship with God and faith. Read this book and start enjoying more transformation in your life.”
—Rich Blue, Founder and Clinical Director of the Center for Christian Life Enrichment; Founder of 2nd Order Ministries

“The Transformed! process has had a significant impact on me, and generations of my family. My mother and father, my wife, my children, and many friends have all participated in the program and achieved amazing results, including increased satisfaction and fulfillment, clarity in purpose and direction, and significant positive change. This methodology and program work. I am a better husband, father, friend, and employer. If you have ever given up on a dream, or feel limited by your beliefs, the Wrights’ process can help. Get out of your cage. Maximize your potential. Dedicate your life.”
—Richard B. Lyons, M.B.A., CEO & President, Lyons CG

“I have transformed my life in so many ways—the Evolating model works! Through this program I have created a satisfying marriage, increased my salary with jobs with greater responsibility and scope, completed my doctorate, and become the first non-M.D. to chair my hospital’s ethics board. What an amazing journey!”
—Denise Delves, R.N., C.N.M., Ed.D.

“While the word transformation is bandied about a lot these days, the transformation described in these pages is real and lasting. I see possibilities in my life and what I can achieve that I could not even begin to see before. I credit the dedicated work of Drs. Judith and Bob Wright for their model that is not only one of personal development, but one of transformation for humanity.”
—Christina Canright, President, Canright Communications

“Drs. Bob and Judith Wright have delineated the process whereby humans can transform and become what is possible for each one of us. By demystifying the process, the Wrights have truly provided a great service. The Wrights’ methodology can help anyone create a more meaningful and fulfilled life.”
—Michael Zwell, Ph.D., CEO, Zwell International

“Transformed! gives people the way, and not just the words, for becoming our best and most empowered authentic self.”
—Sonia Choquette, Author of Grace, Guidance & Gifts: Sacred Blessings to Light Your Way

""The Transformed! process that Bob and Judith explain in this book has opened my eyes to whole worlds of new possibility. At mid-life and mid-career, I feel like I’m beginning a fantastic new voyage of discovery. Outwardly, my life looks the same, but inwardly, I feel three levels deeper in my insight, excitement, and engagement with the things I do every day.  I have more impact, I accomplish more, and it is a lot more fun. If you engage this process with an open mind and do the exercises with honesty and sincerity, you can “transform,” too. I’ve seen dozens of people do it. “
—Bennett W. Lasko, JD, Partner, national law firm 

""A beautiful and inspiring approach, filled with practical strategies that will transform an ordinary life into an extraordinary adventure. Best of all, it's supported by sound psychological principles and cutting-edge neuroscience.  A 'must-read' book for anyone seeking to have an enriched lifestyle and life."" 
—Mark Waldman, Faculty, College of Business, Loyola Marymount University; Author of Words Can Change Your Brain

""If there's one thing anyone who looks at the current trajectory of human action can see clearly, it is the urgent need for deep, fundamental change. Systemic adjustments and policy tweaks are not enough—we, as a species, are in need of reorganization, re-prioritization, and rebalancing; in other words, Transformation! Dr. Judith Wright and Dr. Bob Wright have a plan and they want to share it. For your health and the health of the planet, I urge you to give this book your full attention.""
—Rinaldo S. Brutoco, Author, Inventor, Economist, and Founding President of the World Business Academy
“Judith and Bob Wright have written a book that is both inspiring and practical; mind-expanding and useful. If you believe human enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges, Transformed! provides a toolkit for leaders who will guide their colleagues, friends, and employees through the 21st Century.”
—Bryan Welch, Publisher & Editorial Director of Ogden Publications; Managing Director of Natural Home Products

""Regardless of where you are on your journey of personal development, this book is for you. A wonderful no-nonsense approach to lasting transformation.""
—Bob Proctor, bestselling author of You Were Born Rich

Winner of the 2013 Nautilus Silver AwardA groundbreaking guide to making extraordinary improvements in life, featuring innovative research from leadership experts Drs. Judith and Bob Wright.In the radical new book Transformed!, bestselling author Dr. Judith Wright and acclaimed speaker Dr. Bob Wright explore how individuals can achieve lifelong transformation—in their careers, their relationships, and their lives.Transformed! integrates cutting-edge findings across many fields with groundbreaking research about the highest performing students at the Wright’s internationally recognized leadership training institute, who didn’t just make exceptional improvements in their lives but took remarkable leaps forward. This study, combined with over 30 years of feedback and program development, is crafted into an effective and compelling six-phase process for growth and transformation, the heart of which is a person’s deepest yearning and the pathway to finding it.Providing a powerful breakthrough to understanding why most self-help and personal development programs don’t work, Transformed! profiles individuals who have attained deep fulfillment in every aspect of life and illustrates how anyone, by following this proven process, can achieve lasting, revolutionary transformation.
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Winner of the 2013 Nautilus Silver Award A groundbreaking guide to making extraordinary improvements in life, featuring innovative research from leadership experts Drs. Judith and Bob Wright.  
Introduction Chapter 1: THE TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPERATIVE Chapter 2: THE SCIENCE OF PERSONAL CHANGE AND TRANSFORMATION Chapter 3: YEARNING: The Fuel of Transformation Chapter 4: ENGAGING: Translating Yearning into Action Chapter 5: REVELATING: Awakening to Your Programming and New Possibilities Chapter 6: LIBERATING: Breaking Free to Live the Life You Yearn For Chapter 7: REMATRIXING: Reprogramming Your Mind, Transforming Your Life Chapter 8: DEDICATING: Determined to Transform Chapter 9: THE HEART OF TRANSFORMATION Chapter 10: YOUR NEXT MOST RADIANT SELF Chapter 11: WHAT IF? The Transformational Imperative Realized Endnotes
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Excerpt from Transformed!If you’re like most people, you know what you want. In fact, if pressed, you could probably rattle off a laundry list of wants: cars, houses, vacations, jobs, electronic devices, and so on. But when it comes to what you yearn for, you may draw a blank.    There’s something vaguely old-fashioned about the term. It has an Old Testament ring to it. Or it sounds like what a heroine in a Victorian novel might say as she stares out the window of her Gothic tower waiting for a lost love to return. As a result, you probably haven’t used “yearn” in a sentence recently. It feels awkward on your tongue, uncertain in your mind.    But take a moment to reflect upon what you yearn for. Let your mind go blank and listen to your heart. Imagine if your soul had a voice and could articulate what it wants most in the world. Or, more simply, consider what you desire deeply, what would turn your good life into a great one.    Still nothing? That’s okay. Yearning is a natural capacity you can develop.    Or maybe you’ve come up with a list of things you yearn for that are actually wants—you yearn to be rich, you yearn to travel the world, you yearn for freedom, you yearn to have your boyfriend or girlfriend agree to marry you, you yearn for a gigantic television. It’s okay, too, to mistake wants for yearnings—we all do it.    The good news is that we know what you yearn for—they are the same things that everyonein the world yearns for. Specifically, we yearn:~ to matter~ to love and be loved~ to be seen~ to contribute~ to connect~ to belong~ to achieve mastery~ to be affirmed~ to connect with a higher power    There are different ways to parse these yearnings—Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one way to view them—and we’ll look at them through various lenses, from stories of those who have learned to yearn effectively, to perspectives including education, positive psychology, and neuroscience to behavioral economics. But for now, recognize that these yearnings are universal, and that by getting in touch with them, you open your life to the possibility of greatness.    So all you have to do is memorize this list and you’re set? If only it were that easy, we could limit the frustration of career dissatisfaction, unfulfilling relationships, and much general emotional pain and frustration with a snap of our fingers. Getting in touch with what you yearn for is an attainable skill, but you need to learn the process. We know—the word “process” sounds dull and formulaic. But this process is neither of those things. Instead, it’s challenging, exciting, and transformational.
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Dr. Judith Wright is a renowned corporate consultant, human development expert, who rose to national prominence by developing innovative education programs, and world-class coach.     The bestselling author of There Must Be More Than This, The One Decision, and The Soft Addiction Solution, has appeared on ABC’s 20/20, Oprah, Good Morning America, and Today and in over 600 print and radio interviews including the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Herald, and the San Francisco Chronicle.  Dr. Bob Wright is an internationally recognized visionary, educator, program developer, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant, executive coach, and bestselling author, whose books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies globally. Recognized as a top executive coach by Crain’s Business, he has helped thousands of people across the country transform their careers, relationships, and lives.