The Legends in Consumer Behavior series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of consumer behavior in the past several decades. It reproduces the seminal works of the legends in the field, which are supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work.  The series comprises various sets, each focusing on the multiple ways in which a legend has contributed to the field. This first set in the series, consisting of 10 volumes, is a tribute to Russell W. Belk. Belk is one of the most prolific contemporary consumer behavior and marketing scholars. He authored one of the seminal papers in marketing field, "Possessions and the Extended Self."  Russell W. Belk is the Kraft Foods Canada Chair in Marketing at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto. His research involves the meanings of possessions, collecting, gift-giving, sharing and materialism and his work is often cultural, visual, qualitative, and interpretive. He is the co-founder of the Association for Consumer Research Film Festival and has over 550 publications. He is currently on the editorial boards of 20 journals and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. He is past president of the Association for Consumer Research and the International Association of Marketing and Development, and is a fellow in the Association for Consumer Research and the American Psychological Association. He has received the Paul D. Converse Award, two Fulbright Fellowships, Society of Marketing Advances Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award, and honorary professorships on four continents. In 2005 he received the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Consumer Research Award for Long Term Contribution to Consumer Research. Besides York, he has also taught at the University of Utah, University of Illinois, Temple University, Claremont Graduate University, and universities in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.  The series is edited by Jagdish N. Sheth, who is the Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, U.S.A. He is Past President of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), as well as Division 23 (Consumer Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.  He is also a Fellow of APA.  Professor Sheth is the co-author of the Howard-Sheth Theory of Buyer Behavior, a classic in consumer behavior published in 1969. Â
This set includes:
Volume I: Early Work: Situations, Symbolism, and Critiquing the Dominant Paradigm Editor: Hope Jensen Schau
Volume 2: An Alternative Approach: Re-enchanting Consumption Editor: John F Sherry, Jr.
Volume 3: Materialism and Consumer Culture: Questioning What Matters in Life Editor: GĂźliz GerÂ
Volume 4: Consumer Sense of Self and Identity Editor: John W SchoutenÂ
Volume 5: Historical and Cultural Approaches to Consumption Editor: Janeen Arnold Costa and Gary J BamossyÂ
Volume 6: Globalism and Consumption Editor: Samuel K BonsuÂ
Volume 7: Gift-giving, Sharing, and Consumption Holidays Editor: Cele OtnesÂ
Volume 8: Collecting, Luxury, and the Production of Consumer Desire Editor: Søren AskegaardÂ
Volume 9: Discipline and Liberation in Consumption Editor: Craig J ThompsonÂ
Volume 10: Magic and Religion in Consumption Practices Editor: Robert V Kozinets Â
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The Legends in Consumer Behavior series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of consumer behavior in the past several decades. It reproduces the seminal works of the legends in the field, which are supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work.
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Volume I: Early Work: Situations, Symbolism, and Critiquing the Dominant Paradigm
Volume Introduction: Once Upon A Time: Preamble to Russell W. Belk
Legends Volume One by Hope Jensen Schau
Occurrence of Word-of-Mouth Buyer Behavior as a Function of Situation and Advertising Stimuli
Application and Analysis of the Behavioral Differential Inventory for Assessing Situational Effects in Buyer Behavior
Situational Variables and Consumer Behavior
The Objective Situation as a Determinant of Consumer Behavior
Assessing the Effects of Visible Consumption on Impression Formation
A Free Response Approach to Developing Product-Specific Consumption Situation Taxonomies
Effects of Consistency of Visible Consumption Patterns on Impression Formation
Determinants of Consumption Cue Utilization in Impression Formation: An Association Derivation and Experimental Verification
The Eye of the Beholder: Individual Differences in Perceptions of Consumption Symbolism (with Robert N. Mayer and Kenneth Bahn)
Acquisition of Consumption Stereotypes by Children (with Robert N. Mayer)
Developmental Recognition of Consumption Symbolism (with Kenneth D. Bahn and Robert N. Mayer)
Childrenâ˛s Recognition of Consumption Symbolism in Childrenâ˛s Products (with Robert Mayer and Amy Driscoll)
The Young Childâs Recognition of Consumption Symbols and Their Social Implications (with Amy M. Driscoll and Robert N. Mayer)
Fashion and Impression Formation among Children (with Robert N. Mayer)
Issues in the IntentionâBehavior Discrepancy
A Modest Proposal for Creating Verisimilitude in Consumer-InformationâProcessing Models and Some Suggestions for Establishing a Discipline to Study Consumer Behavior
Perspectives of Other Scholars
A Commentary on Belkâs Early Work - Alladi Venkatesh
âIn the BeginningâŚâ - Elizabeth C. Hirschman
Russ Belk: The Early Years - Dennis Rook
Hope Schau Interviews Russell Belk
Research Methods, Media, and Objects Have Become Much Richer
Volume 2. An Alternative Approach: Re-enchanting Consumption
Volume Introduction: Better the Devil You Know: A Thumbnail Hagiography - John F. Sherry, Jr.
Manifesto for a Consumer Behavior of Consumer Behavior
Against Thinking
Art versus Science as Ways of Generating Knowledge about Materialism
What Should ACR Want to Be When It Grows Up?
The Role of the Odyssey in Consumer Behavior and in Consumer Research
A Naturalistic Inquiry into Buyer and Seller Behavior at a Swap Meet (with John F. Sherry, Jr. and Melanie Wallendorf)
Deep Meaning in Possessions: The Paper (with Melanie Wallendorf and Deborah Heisley)
Lessons Learned
The History and Development of the Consumer Behavior Odyssey
Ellaâs Elephants and the Three Blind White Guys
Unpacking My Library: The Marketing Professor in the Age of Electronic Reproduction
Videography in Marketing and Consumer Research (with Robert V. Kozinets)
You Ought to be in Pictures: Envisioning Marketing Research
Camcorder Society: Quality Videography in Consumer and Marketing Research (with Robert V. Kozinets)
The ModelingâEmpiricism Gap: Lessons From The QualitativeâQuantitative Gap in Consumer Research
Multimedia Approaches to Qualitative Data and Representations
Examining Markets, Marketing, Consumers, and Society through Documentary Films
Visual and Projective Methods in Asian Research
Perspectives of Other Scholars
The Man Who Moved Mountains... - Marylouise Caldwell
Russell Belk: The Odyssian Wanderer - Pauline Maclaran
The Passions and Publications of Russell Belk - Jonathan E. Schroeder
John F. Sherry, Jr., Interviews Russell Belk
Ten Questions for Russell Belk
Volume 3. Materialism and Consumer Culture: Questioning What Matters in Life
Volume Introduction: The Journey from Materialism to Legitimations of Materialism, Consumer Desires, and Consumer Cultures - GĂźliz Ger
Worldly Possessions: Issues and Criticisms
Materialism: Trait Aspects of Living in the Material World
Materialism and Magazine Advertising During the Twentieth Century (with Richard W. Pollay)
Happy Thought (ACR Presidential Address)
Material Values in the Comics: A Content Analysis of Comic Books Featuring Themes of Wealth
Third World Consumer Culture
Effects of Identification with Comic Book Heroes and Villains of Consumption on Materialism among Former Comic Book Readers
Attachment to Possessions
Cross-Cultural Differences in Materialism (with GĂźliz Ger)
Accounting for Materialism in Four Cultures (with GĂźliz Ger)
Aboriginal Consumer Culture (with Ronald Groves and Per Ostergaard)
The Human Consequences of Consumer Culture
Consumption, Mass Consumption, and Consumer Culture
Nationalism and Ideology in an Anticonsumption Movement (with Rohit Varman)
Philosophies for Less Consuming Societies
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Russell W. Belk on Materialism and Consumer Culture - A. Fuat Firat
The Materialisation of Russell Belk - Per Ostergaard
Materialism and Consumer Culture: Questioning What Matters in Life - Karin M. EkstrĂśm
GĂźliz Ger Interviews Russell Belk
âMy Perspective Shifted From More Psychological To More Sociologicalâ
Volume 4. Consumer Sense of Self and Identity
Volume Introduction - John W. Schouten
Explanations for Congruence between Patron Stereotypes and Patron Self Concepts
Generational Differences in the Meanings of Things, Products, and Activities
Identity and the Relevance of Market, Personal, and Community Objects
Possessions and the Extended Self
Possessions and the Sense of Past
Artifacts, Identity, and Transition: Favorite Possessions of Indians and Indian Immigrants to the United States (with Raj Mehta)
Metaphoric Relationships with Pets
Material Culture and the Extended or Unextended Self in Our University Offices (with Joel C. Watson)
Extended Self and Possessions in the Workplace (with Kelly Tian)
Consumption and Identity
Representing Global Consumers: Desire, Possession, and Identity
People and Things
Possessions and Self
Disney Discourses of Self and Other: Animality, Primitivity, Modernity, and Postmodernity (with Shona Bettany)
Extended Self in a Digital Age
Shared Possessions/Shared Self (with Rosa Llamas)
Tourist Photographs: Signs of Self (with Joyce Hsiu-yen Yeh)
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Beyond âBeyond the Extended Selfâ: Russ Belk on Identity - Aaron Ahuvia
Russell Belk: Exploring New Academic Frontiers of Consumption and Self-Identity - Ayalla Ruvio
Epic Consumer Research - Kelly Tian
John Schouten Interviews Russell Belk
âEverything I Research Teaches Me Something about Myselfâ
Volume 5. Historical and Cultural Approaches to Consumption
Volume Introduction - Janeen Arnold Costa and Gary J. Bamossy
Cultural and Historical Differences in Concepts of Self and Their Effects on Attitudes toward Having and Giving
Images of Ourselves: The Good Life in Twentieth Century Advertising (with Richard W. Pollay)
Materialism and Status Appeals in Japanese and US Print Advertising (with Richard W. Pollay)
Variations in Consumer Wants across Times and Cultures
The Benefits and Problems of Market Socialism for Chinese Consumers
Moving Possessions: An Analysis Based on Personal Documents from the 1847â1869 Mormon Migration
Battling Worldliness in the New Zion: Mercantilism versus Homespun in Nineteenth-Century Utah
The Mountain Man Myth: A Contemporary Consuming Fantasy (with Janeen Arnold Costa)
Pimps for Paradise: Missionaries, Monetary Funds, and Marketers
Chinese Consumer Readings Of Global And Local Advertising Appeals (with Nan Zhou)
This We Remember: Consuming Representation via the Web Posting of War Photographs (with Thuc-Doan T. Nguyen)
Advertising Consumer Culture in 1930s Shanghai: Globalization and Localization in Yuefenpai (with Xin Zhao)
Politicizing Consumer Culture: Advertisingâ˛s Appropriation of Political Ideology in Chinaâ˛s Social Transition (with Xin Zhao)
Marketing and the Multiple Meanings of Australian Aboriginal Art (with Ronald Groves)
Social Change and Gendered Gift-Giving Rituals: A Historical Analysis of Valentineâs Day in Japan (with Yuko Minowa and Olga Khomenko)
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Russell Belk: Consumer Historian - Terrence H. Witkowski
Belkâs Adventure in Cross-Cultural and Historical Consumer Research - Xin Zhao
Russell BelkâVicarious Role Model - Jan Brace-Govan
Janeen Costa and Gary Bamossy Interviews Russell Belk
âThere is Much to Be Learned from Earlier Technological Revolutionsâ
Volume 6. Globalism and Consumption
Volume Introduction:Knowing Wisdom, Madness And Folly: Russell W. Belkâs Contribution to Globalism and Consumption - Samuel K. Bonsu
A Critical Assessment of International Tourism (with Janeen Arnold Costa)
Third World Tourism: Panacea or Poison? The Case of Nepal
International Tourism: An Assessment and Overview (with Janeen Arnold Costa)
Hyperreality and Globalization: Culture in the Age of Ronald McDonald
Consumption Patterns of the New Elite in Zimbabwe
âLook at Them Blokes! Got No Bloody Control Seeâ: Alcohol Consumption and the Australian Aborigine (with Ronald Groves)
Sinolization: An International Advertising Strategy for China (with Xin Zhao)
Whatâs Wrong with Globalism and Whatâs to Be Done about It?
Consumer Ethics across Cultures (with Timothy Devinney and Giana Eckhardt)
Out of Sight and Out of Our Minds: What of Those Left behind by Globalism?
Glocal Understandings: Female Readersâ Perceptions of the New Woman in Chinese Advertising (with Kineta H. Hung and Stella Yiyang Li)
Skin Lightening and Beauty in Four Asian Cultures (with Eric P. H. Li, Hyun Min, Junko Kimura, and Shalini Bahl)
Shangri-La: Messing with a Myth (with Rosa Llamas)
Advertising and Consumer Culture in Old Shanghai (with Xin Zhao)
The Naomi Klein Brand
Cultures, Consumers, and Corporations
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Russell BelkâA Model Glocal Brand - Dannie Kjeldgaard
An Insiderâs Perspective: Russell Belkâs Contribution to the Field of Globalism and Consumption - Ekant Veer
Is This Guy Human?! Appreciation for Russell Belk: A True Legend in the Field of Consumer Behavior - Lisa PeĂąaloza
Samuel Bonsu Interviews Russell Belk
Knowing the Man: Interview with Russ Belk
Volume 7. Gift-Giving, Sharing, and Consumption Holidays
Volume Introduction: Santa Claus as Scholar, Consumption Research as Passion: The Impact of Russell W. Belkâs Research on Gift-Giving, Sharing and Consumption Holidays - Cele Otnes
Gift-Giving Behavior
Itâ˛s the Thought that Counts: A Signed Digraph Analysis of Gift-Giving
Effects of Gift-Giving Involvement on Gift Selection Strategies
A Childâ˛s Christmas in America: Santa Claus as Deity, Consumption as Religion
Me and Thee Versus Mine and Thine: How Perceptions of the Body Influence Organ Donation and Transplantation
Halloween: An Evolving American Consumption Ritual
Gift Giving as Agapic Love: An Alternative to the Exchange Paradigm Based on Dating Experiences (with Gregory S. Coon)
Materialism and the Modern U.S. Christmas
Materialism and the Making of the Modern American Christmas
Christmas Shopping Scenes: From Modern Miracle to Postmodern Mall (with Wendy Bryce)
Studies in the New Consumer Behavior
The Perfect Gift
The Meanings of Lesbian and Gay Pride Day: Resistance through Consumption and Resistance to Consumption (with Steven M. Kates)
Christmas in Japan: Globalization versus Localization (with Junko Kimura)
Why Not Share Rather Than Own?
The Nature and Effects of Sharing in Consumer Behavior (with Rosa Llamas)
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Impure and Multiple! Taking Full Advantage of Belkâs Extensions of Giving - Domen Bajde
Is There a Santa Claus? Authentic Christmas and Social Constructionism - Junko Kimura
Lessons Iâve Learned from Reading Russ - Eileen Fischer
Cele Otnes Interviews Russell Belk
Gifts, Sharing, and Rituals: Interview with Russell Belk
Volume 8. Collecting, Luxury, and the Production of Consumer Desire
Volume Introduction: Desire for JourneysâJourneys of Desire - Søren Askegaard
Acquiring, Possessing, and Collecting: Fundamental Processes in Consumer Behavior
Collectors and Collecting
Nouveaux Riches as Quintessential Americans: Case Studies of Consumption in an Extended Family (with Janeen Arnold Costa)
Collecting in a Consumer Culture (with Melanie Wallendorf, John F. Sherry Jr., and Morris B. Holbrook)
Collecting as Luxury Consumption: Effects on Individuals and Households
Of Mice and Men: Gender Identity in Collecting (with Melanie Wallendorf)
Chocolate Delights: Gender and Consumer Indulgence (with Janeen Arnold Costa)
The Double Nature of Collecting: Materialism and Anti-Materialism
Leaping Luxuries and Transitional Consumers
The Missing Streetcar Named Desire (with Gßliz Ger and Søren Askegaard)
Consumption in Affluent Societies (with GĂźliz Ger)
The Fire of Desire: A Multisited Inquiry into Consumer Passion (with Gßliz Ger and Søren Askegaard)
Remembrances of Things Past: Silent Voices in Collections
Been There, Done That, Bought the Souvenirs: Of Journeys and Boundary Crossing
Marketing and Envy
Benign Envy
Perspectives of Other Scholars
The Road Not Taken - Margaret K. Hogg
The Empire of Desire: A Commentary about Researcher Passion - Rosa Llamas
Russ Belk: Into the Epicenter of Consumer Motivations and Meanings - David Glen Mick
S øren Askegaard Interviews Russell Belk
âViews on CCT versus BDT/CIP are Really Incommensurateâ
Volume 9. Discipline and Liberation in Consumption
Volume Introduction: Russ Belkâs (Belkian) Perspective on Discipline and Liberation in Consumption: A Convergence of the Cosmopolitan and the Carnivalesque - Craig J. Thompson
Learning to Want Things (with Nan Zhou)
Becoming A Consumer Society: A Longitudinal and Cross-Cultural Content Analysis of Print Advertisements from Hong Kong, the Peopleâ˛s Republic of China, and Taiwan (with David K. Tse and Nan Zhou)
Carnival, Control, and Corporate Culture in Contemporary Halloween Celebrations
ACR Fellowâs Address: Awards, Rewards, Prizes, and Punishments
Iâ˛d Like to Buy the World a Coke: Consumptionscapes of the âLess Affluent World (with GĂźliz Ger)
Romanian Consumer Desires and Feelings of Deservingness
Sexual Consumption in the Time of AIDS: A Study of Prostitute Patronage in Thailand (with Per â
stergaard and Ronald Groves)
May the Farce Be with You: On Las Vegas and Consumer Infantalization
Men and Their Machines
The Cult of Macintosh (with GĂźlnur Tumbat)
Exchange Taboos From an Interpretive Perspective
Selling Godâs Book
Dirty Little Secret: Home Chaos and Professional Organizers (with Joon Yong Seo and Eric Li)
Weaving a Web: Subaltern Consumers, Rising Consumer Culture, and Television (with Rohit Varman)
Consuming Postcolonial Shopping Malls (with Rohit Varman)
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Ramblinâ Man - Stephen Brown
Discipline and Liberation in Consumption - Morris B. Holbrook
Carnival and Ideology in Consumer Culture - Rohit Varman
Craig Thompson Interviews Russell Belk
âI Like to Think that I am a Promiscuous Reader"
Volume 10. Magic and Religion in Consumption Practices
Volume Introduction: The Scent of the SpiritâBelkâs Take on Religion, Myth and Consumer Culture - Robert V. Kozinets
Heaven on Earth: Consumption at Heritage Village, USA (with Thomas C. OâGuinn)
The Sacred and the Profane in Consumer Behavior: Theodicy on the Odyssey (with Melanie Wallendorf and John F. Sherry, Jr.)
The Sacred Meanings of Money (with Melanie Wallendorf)
The Ineluctable Mysteries of Possessions
Once in a Lifetime: Travel as Sacred Experience (with Ronald Groves)
Do Not Go Cheaply Into That Good Night: Death-Ritual Consumption in Asante, Ghana (with Samuel K. Bonsu)
Shoes and Self
Possessions, Self, and the Sacred
Consuming Cool: Behind the Unemotional Mask (with Kelly Tian and Heli Paavola)
Privacy and Gendered Spaces in Arab Gulf Homes (with Rana Sobh)
The Sacred in Consumer Culture
Marketing a new African God: Pentecostalism and Material Salvation in Ghana (with Samuel K. Bonsu)
Gender and Privacy in Arab Gulf States: Implications for Consumption and Marketing (with Rana Sobh)
Marketplace Tensions in Extraordinary Experiences (with GĂźlnur Tumbat)
Specialty Magazines and Flights of Fancy: Feeding the Desire to Desire
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Professor Finds God At Wal-Mart: Russ Belk on Religion - Thomas C. OâGuinn
The Sacred and Beyond: A Commentary on the Work of Russ Belk - Diego Rinallo
Consumer Behavior and the Sacred - Darach Turley
Robert Kozinets Interviews Russell Belk
Magic and Religion Questions and Answers
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