'Offers a passenger-eye view of this amazing revolution. Fasten your seatbelts, it's a wonderful ride.' -- Mail on Sunday 'Highly-readable Bill-Bryson-esque travel writing... Chesshyre asks some timely questions, among them the ethics of flying and the cultural, not to say racial, damage inflicted by the dreaded stag-party outing' -- Telegraph 'If it's unspellable and unpronounceable, Chesshyre has been there, travelling steerage.' -- The Times 'While never lacking in humour -- even in darkest Szczecin, Poland (where he goes for 1p) -- Tom also makes a valid environmental point.' -- Mirror 'The resulting book is a larky yet thoughtful tour of New Europe, during which Chesshyre braves local tipples, leaps into icepools and joins some very British stag nights.' -- Daily Mail