'A must-read for anyone seeking a companion on the path toward self-compassion and love'
Esther Perel
'Releases our capacity to be fully alive in relationships'
Bessel van der Kolk, author of THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE
'The principles and methods shared in this book have offered me direct access to 'courageous love' and a greater connection to my husband than I ever felt possible.'
Gabby Bernstein, #1 New York Times bestselling author
'This profound and readable book provides clear guidelines for therapists and clients alike ... I enthusiastically recommend this book to anyone serious about improving relationships in the world today!
Terrence Real
'Dr. Richard Schwartz's work on Internal Family Systems, along with his latest book, You Are the One You've Been Waiting For, has profoundly changed my life ... Dr. Schwartz's book is the number one tool I recommend for people who are seeking to find greater compassion and love for themselves and others.'
Krista Williams