‘What a relief! Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson take the difficulty out of discipline, for parents or anyone who has to help kids behave. No-Drama Discipline offers a research-based, commonsense approach that any grown-up will be happy to use, and any kid will benefit from.’
- Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence,
‘Using simple and clear explanations, practical advice, and cartoons that make the how-to guidance come alive, this book is a rich resource for families trying to navigate meltdowns and misunderstandings. It explains how neurobiology drives children’s infuriating and puzzling behavior and will help parents make their way through the trenches of a typical day with grace, mutual respect, and a good helping of delight.’
- Wendy Mogel, Ph.D., author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee,
‘Frustrated parents often ask me why the disciplinary techniques they are using with their children aren’t working, or are even making things worse. I have not always known what to say, because I was not always sure I understood what was going wrong. Now I know. No-Drama Discipline unlocks the secrets of discipline: what works and what doesn’t, and why—and what to do when you are pulling your hair out. Simply put, Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s insights and techniques will make you a better parent. I know I will be using the concepts from this extraordinarily helpful book for years to come.’
- Michael Thompson, Ph.D., co-author of Raising Cain,
‘Wow! This book grabbed me from the very first page and did not let go. Siegel and Bryson explain extremely well why punishment is a dead-end strategy. Then they describe what to do instead. By making the latest breakthroughs in brain science accessible to any parent, they show why empathy and connection are the royal road to cooperation, discipline, and family harmony.’
- Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D., author of The Opposite of Worry,
‘Based on research into the neuroscience of children's brains and their inability to deal with ‘big feelings’, [No-Drama Discipline] suggests mums and dads talk it out — to teach, not punish ... Arguments are, indeed, over more quickly and apologies more forthcoming ... It just seems to work.’
- Lorraine Candy, Daily Mail
‘A fantastic read.’
Practical Parenting
‘Siegel and psychotherapist Bryson (co-authors of The Whole-Brain Child) explore ways of disciplining kids with consideration for their developmental stage … With lucid, engaging prose accompanied by cartoon illustrations, [Daniel J.] Siegel and [Tina Payne] Bryson help parents teach and communicate more effectively.’
Publishers Weekly
‘A lot of fascinating insights … an eye-opener worth reading.’
‘Insightful … The ideas presented in this latest book can actually be applied to all of our relationships, as it will help us in many circumstances to be able to calm down, have empathy for another person, and then communicate in a constructive way about our concerns and proposed solutions. What works to help children learn and behave better might also help our world’s leaders and large groups of people get along better, as many of us adults failed to develop these mindsight skills as we were growing up and we tend to sabotage our relationships with others as a result. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or just a person who wishes to learn to get along better with others, you may find some valuable insights in No-Drama Discipline.’
‘Interprets neuroscience into practical parenting, with clear examples.’
- Dr Sarah Mundy, Families Magazine
‘No-Drama Discipline is an excellent, comprehensive book on parenting. It encourages parents to get away from one-size-fits-all parenting approaches and it addresses common hang-ups that parents rely on but find to be ineffective. The cartoons are excellent in the way they capture larger concepts and draw the reader's interest through the book. The authors explain some of the most effective, proven parenting strategies while taking it a step further by tying these best practices in parenting to neuroscience. No-Drama Discipline is approachable and filled with many helpful solutions … It has a wealth of ideas for parents with a wonderful mixture of neuroscience, general approaches and specific recommendations.’
- Dr Len Lantz, The Psychiatry Resource
‘This book stands out from other books on discipline as it gives the reader a perspective from which to think about discipline, both from a neurobiological and psychological perspective. It emphasises that the moments between parents and their children that require discipline, are actually some of the most important moments of parenting … the authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions, and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth … The book includes a step-by-step guide for connection, clear, and simple strategies.’
- Salisha Maharaj, WAIMH Perspectives
‘[T]heir flexible framework of techniques can be adapted to most discipline situations, and most of the book is devoted to providing concrete ways with real-life examples that will help you “connect” and “redirect” during a discipline moment.’
- Kayt Frisch, in all things
‘It highlights the fascinating link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehaviour. In fact, No-Drama Discipline provides an effective and compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears without causing a scene … By doing so, the cycle of negative behaviour (and punishment) is essentially brought to a halt as problem-solving becomes a win/win situation.’
- Abdul Awal, Campus Career Club
‘The book is funny and quick with lots of practical advice for parents. You won’t come away from this book feeling like you are wrong but rather with ideas of how to connect and support cooperation from day one.’
Our Neighborhood Child Development Center
‘Throughout the text, the authors offer corrective strategies useful to parents, grandparents, educators, and other child development professionals in helping to promote whole brain integration in the face of challenging behaviours … Siegel and Bryson provide facts on child brain development, along with age- and stage-appropriate discipline strategies for children from toddler to tween … I highly recommend this reflective read to any adult interested in optimising opportunities to move a child’s brain from a reactive to a receptive state through positive correction and communication.’
- Nichole Huff, The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues
‘It may go against mainstream views about discipline to offer connection first when misbehaviour happens. Rest assured though, this is not an indication that there is a lack of structure and boundaries in Siegel’s approach. Siegel reinforces the idea that structure is an element of creating a feeling of security for children. Siegel’s Connect and Redirect method emphasises consistency, nurturing, and helping kids develop insight.’
- Mary Hoofnagle, Nurture Family Counseling
‘The book includes helpful cartoon-like illustrations and real-life scenarios from Siegel’s and Bryson’s parenting experience, giving parents practical advice for everyday battles and discipline opportunities … Bryson and Siegel are always kind and understanding and intentional with their words so that parents, when finished with the book, feel empowered to put their teachings into practice instead of too discouraged to try changing their default ways … If you are a parent or a grandparent or a teacher or a Sunday school teacher or an aunt or an uncle or a childcare provider or you have ANY exposure at all to children, you should read this book.’
- Rachel Toalson, award-winning author, poet, and essayist,