Synopsis: The collaborative work of the editorial staff of Skylight Paths Publishing, Grieving with Your Whole Heart: Spiritual Wisdom and Practice for Finding Comfort, Hope and Healing After Loss is a soulful companion for grief that offers profound wisdom and creative spiritual practices for expressing and experiencing sorrow while keeping a life-giving connection to the past. Whether you need to grieve in words or silence, in solitude or in company with others, Grieving with Your Whole Heart provides compassionate guidance from across spiritual traditions will meet you where you are, helping you find wholeness and a renewed vision of yourself and the world. Critique: A truly exceptional and deftly presented compendium of commentaries by more than sixty diverse contributors, Grieving with Your Whole Heart: Spiritual Wisdom and Practice for Finding Comfort, Hope and Healing After Loss is very highly recommended and rewarding reading for anyone suffering a personal loss. Simply stated, a copy of Grieving with Your Whole Heart should be a part of every community, college, and university library collection in the country.
- Susan Bethany, Midwest Book Review