<p>“<i>Each Day a New Beginning</i> was first published in the early 1980s, the same period when I began giving lectures on <i>A Course in Miracles</i>. Those were days when spiritual seeking outside the confines of institutional religion was somewhat unique, even exotic. What Karen found in Alcoholics Anonymous, and I found in the Course, was a path to God that wasn’t waylaid by religious dogma....What grew from Karen’s hunger to know God was a compilation of thoughts and reflections that became this book, a publishing wonder that has touched the lives of millions. In a world of falsehood it’s a friendly reminder of what’s deeply true. You can’t read it in the morning and not be prepared for a better day." <br />—<b>Marianne Williamson</b>, <i>NYT</i> bestselling author of <i>A Return to Love</i></p><p>"Casey’s voice is thoughtful and accessible. Readers with a belief in the power of God will be most amenable to her recommendations for a simpler, more rewarding life." <br />—<b><i>Publishers Weekly</i></b></p><p>"<i>Each Day a New Beginning</i> is a super book! I have read it cover to cover! A woman with an alcohol or drug problem has a special problem. I think [Karen's] book will be most helpful in coping with the special needs of women in recovery." <br />—<b>Betty Ford</b>, former First Lady and founder of The Betty Ford Center</p><p>"This book is small, is easy to digest, and would likely be taken from the display shelf by someone needing a psychological boost."<br />—<b>Deborah Bigelow</b>, <i>Library Journal</i></p><p></p><p>“These simple steps can lead to a peaceful and meaningful life. Casey’s self-help book is a winner!" —<b>Frederick Brussat</b>, spiritualityandpractice.com</p><p>“This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the quality of their thoughts and how being aware of them can bring positive change." <br />—<b>Mary Porter</b>, <i>Science of Mind</i></p>