"If you like shaping wool into charming, crafted objects through the process of needle felting, or if you like gnomes, then Jessica Peill-Meininghaus's book is for you. But it would be a mistake to think that it is only about needle felting, or even about gnomes. Because it is also, and even essentially, about getting unstuck from that stuck place in your life by finding one simple thing to do consistently and well. Because doing one such thing will almost always lead to a second thing, and a third. And then you turn around and find miles between you and the place in the road where you thought you were pinned down forever. And you will just know, somehow, you are not going back there again." -- John Kralik, New York Times bestselling author of A Simple Act of Gratitude "In one of the most unique approaches I have ever encountered, Jessica Peill-Meininghaus illustrates the powerful impact of adopting a daily practice. With every turn of the page, there was humor, meaningful insight, and inspiration to be found. Who knew tiny, adorable objects could teach us so much about finding our life's purpose and carrying it out? I am grateful that Jessica did, and you will be too." -- Rachel Macy Stafford, New York Times bestselling author of Hands-Free Mama