Mentioned in Church Times, March 2010
Edited vesion of Terry Eagleton's Foreword printed in The Tablet, 12th June 2010.
'[McCabe was] a highly creative and insightful thinker, who had vivid sense of what was of enduring human importance beneath the technical tangles of philosophical and theological debate.' The Tablet
'McCabe was ... a highly creative and insightful thinker, who had a vivid sense of what was of enduring human importance beneath the technical tangles of philosophical and theological debate ... Disarmingly honest ... this impressive work ... does not offer any final answer to the problem of evil; but is does ... enhance our understanding of what is involved in adopting a religious view of the world.' The Tablet
Reviewed in Church Times 20th August, (UK) ‘As interpretation of Aquinas, as well as an approach to the problem of evil, this book is obviously controversial'
The book is mentioned in an article on Terry Eagleton, who wrote the foreword.
- The Tablet,
‘Pithy, and with a way of putting things that often seems singularly insightful... this is a welcome addition to the McCabe corpus... McCabe had a rich and fertile mind, and his stature is such that it is valuable and instructive to be helped to trace his development and occasional lapses.'
- Journal of Theological Studies,
One of the distinct pleasures of studying the work of Herbert McCabe . . . is the brilliant wit and insight with which McCabe takes us from theological muddle to the blinding light of mystery. . . . For the student who wants to uncover the deep structure of McCabe's Thomistic theology, the present volume is invaluable.
- Anglican Theological Review,
Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.