A completely new way of thinking and working Today there is great unrealized potential in our organizations, even though most companies are investing big money and a lot of time in developing their business activities, often focusing either on releasing the inner human potentials or the outer operational ones. Taking both of these perspectives into account is a whole new way of thinking and working. We have managed to unlock the unrealized potentials and achieve extraordinary results, thus showing that it is possible to turn the cost of leadership development efforts into a very profitable investment. But how is this possible? How did we proceed? The concept that we have developed and that we have describe in this book is called 4FP – a change concept For Full Potential.
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Achieve the extraordinary! For Full Potential is a concept for those who wish to realize their organization’s full potential, and who wish to support leaders and groups through the change process involved. In short, this book is written for anyone who wants to explore the possible and achieve the extraordinary in their professional role. The book is both scientifically based and practically oriented and gives a support structure that allows you to become more successful in your current role and in achieving your aims. With the help of this book, you get the opportunity to try out the 4FP change concept in your own reality.
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Background 7 Chapter 1 Should you do the possible or just the necessary? 19 Doing the necessary 21 Inertia is troublesome 21 A downright necessity 23 Doing as little as possible 25 How much are you prepared to pay to stay in your comfort zone? 26 Low outer efficiency 26 Less inner aliveness 28 Losing your self-determination 30 Why should you do the possible? 32 Finding your own reason 32 Making up your mind 33 The X 37 The journey towards the extraordinary 37 Acting in new ways and giving up the old 40 Reader activity 42 Chapter 2 What is the possible? 47 A description of the 4-quadrant model 49 The basic logic of the model 49 The design of the 4-quadrant model is no coincidence 52 Changes in the environment 54 The interdependence between the quadrants 56 The interplay between the quadrants 59 The system seeks to be in balance 59 The development of the quadrants 60 The lines of development 62 The 4-quadrant model and the possible 63 The need for integrated development activities 63 Things are not always what they appear to be 66 People are smart 68 Reader activity 70 Chapter 3 How can you realize the possible? 75 The 4FP model 77 The basic logic of the model 77 EOR-driven development 80 The natural blocks 82 Going full circle 85 Four pitfalls on the way to EOR 88 Not being able to answer the question “Why?” 88 Bypassing 90 Having an inner or an outer perspective 93 Lack of experimental action 95 How can the 4FP model be used in practical reality? 99 Support change in a specific area 99 Make a diagnosis for change for an entire organization 100 Reflection and feedback on the individual level 101 Reader activity 102 Concluding words for Part 1 of the book 105 How does a support structure work? 107 The three functions of the support structure 107 Making your choices visible 109 A dynamic support structure 110 Working in a well-defined, step-by-step way around the circle 111 Bibliography 115
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