Part I: FUNDAMENTALS OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 1. Abnormal Behavior. 2. Models of Abnormal Behavior 3. Assessment and Classification of Abnormal Behavior 4. The Scientific Method in Abnormal Psychology Part II: DISORDERS INVOLVING STRESS, ANXIETY AND MOOD 5. Stress Disorders. 6. Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. 7. Mood Disorders. 8. Somatoform Disorders and Dissociative Disorders. 9. Suicide. Part III: DISORDERS INVOLVING INTAKE OF FOOD AND OTHER SUBSTANCES 10. Substance-Use Disorders. 11. Eating Disorders. Part IV: DISORDERS INVOLVING SIGNIFICANT BRAIN DYSFUNCTION 12. Neurocognitive Disorders. 13. Schizophrenia: Diagnosis, Etiology, and Treatment. Part V: DISORDERS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN 14. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence. 15. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders. 16. Personality Disorders. Part VI: LAW AND ETHICS IN ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 17. Legal and Ethical Issues in Abnormal Psychology.