an excellent piece of philosophical analysis, combining careful conceptual reflection with a review of relevant material from the fields of cognitive and social psychology.
Faith and Philosophy
there is something refreshing about Davis' elegantly written text and its thesis that religious experience, especially mystical and numinous experiences, can serve as evidence for the common-core beliefs of theism ... Davis does an admirable job in reopening an issue which many may regard as closed.
Theological Studies
this well-expressed book ... should be of great interest to scholars of religious experience ... it marshals a considerable body of evidence from various disciplines, particularly psychology, in an admirably succinct way, within a clear framework' Times Higher Education Supplement
a lucidly written book that makes a valuable and needed contribution to the philosophy of religion
Religious Studies
there is care and intelligence, even-handedness and discrimination in this book
una descripción, meticulosa, clara, profunda, de aquellos procesos en que el hombre religioso siente el contacto con el Absoluto
Mit einer Fülle hilfreicher Unterscheidungen klärt das Buch auf breiter materialer Basis einen seit Schleiermacher und James grundlegenden religionsphilosophischen Begriff.
Systematische Philosophie