'it marshals a considerable body of evidence from various disciplines, particularly psychology, in an admirably succinct way, within a clear framework'
Times Higher Education Supplement
'There is care and intelligence, even-handedness and discrimination, in this book.'
Nicholas Lash, University of Cambridge, Theology
'extensive and impressive work'
Theological Book Review
'This is a lucidly written book that makes a valuable and needed contribution to the philosophy of religion.'
H.P. Owen, Journal of Religious Studies, 26
'there is something refreshing about Davis' elegantly written text ... she addresses a variety of topics in an evenhanded and clear way'
J.A. Colombo, University of San Diego, Theological Studies
'It is an excellent piece of philosophical analysis, combining careful conceptual reflection with a review of relevant material from the fields of cognitive and social psychology. Franks Davis is to be praised for drawing attention to the complexity of these appraisals; perhaps her book will serve as a stepping stone to a full response to the cumulative counter-explanation challenge.'
Douglas Chismar, Ashland University, Faith and Philosophy