Beautiful and thought-provoking. Los Angeles Times The pieces are varied, lively, often charming, and occasionally brilliant. -- Perry Link New York Review of Books It's well worth dipping into (repeatedly). The Complete Review Beautiful and thought-provoking... A breeze of aesthetic freedom flows through all of them, making them fun to read. -- Susan Salter Los Angeles Times Funny, touching, intriguing and sometimes very beautifully... They are tiny vignettes of Chinese life in all its entire chaotic splendour. -- Jenny Niven Time Out Beijing Loud Sparrows is a delightful collection of short-shorts. -- Steve Noyes The Vancouver Sun
Extremely short stories-known as short-shorts-have become a global phenomenon, but nowhere have they been embraced as enthusiastically as in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The form's artistic and aesthetic freedoms allow authors to capture the tone, texture, and chaos of their rapidly changing societies in infinitely inventive ways. Fragments and contingencies reveal unofficial histories, undocumented memories, and the trials of everyday individuals, and the genre's lean format is a welcome antidote to a culture characterized by rampant excess. Loud Sparrows is a spirited collection of ninety-one short-shorts written by Chinese authors over the past three decades. Presenting diverse voices and perspectives by writers both well known and new to the art, the stories are culled from newspapers, magazines, literary journals, and personal collections. Their subjects range from the mundane to the sublime and illuminate everything from humanist ideals to traditional virtues to the material benefits of a commercialized society.
The anthology is organized into thematic categories such as Change, Creatures, (In)fidelities, Grooming, Governance, Nourishment, and Weirdness, and includes notes to better understand the genre. Each section is introduced by an original piece of flash fiction written by Howard Goldblatt. The short-short, to borrow a Chinese saying, is "small as a sparrow but has all the vital organs" of a good story. Loud Sparrows offers a comprehensive introduction to a unique literary genre that has revolutionized world literature.
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A collection of ninety-one short-shorts, a form of short-storytelling. Presenting diverse voices and perspectives by writers, the stories are culled from newspapers, magazines, literary journals, and personal collections.
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Foreword, by Bei DaoIntroductionI. GroomingA Loverâs Ear, by Yuan QiongqiongMothballs, by Chen KehuaA Shaved Head, by Wang MengLover, by Chen KehuaLosing the Feet, by Zhong JufangFad, by Zhang ZhengII. ChangeWrong Number, by Liu YichangLearning to Talk, by Wang MengA Seat, by Liu GuofangSelf-Murder, by Cai NanLast Stop, Mongkok, by Che ZhengxuanParting, by Wang KuishanThe Beat, by Liu XinwuIII. ChoicesâLeftâ with No Chance, by Chang GangSunday Morning, by Xi XiJailbreak, by Ku LingA Cup of Tea, by Yu YingmaoIn the Haystack, by Cao NaiqianReturning Home on a Stormy Night, by He WeipingTied Together by Fate, by Chen HuiyingIV. GovernanceThe Busy Secretary, by Zhan JingCloth Shoes, by Ah ChengPromotion Report, by Chen HengchuPurchase Request for a Kettle, by Xu ShijieA Capable Man Canât Handle a Small Case, by Liu JingEars, by Sun XueminV. GamesWhatâs Up, Lao Cao? , by Chen ShixuGeneral, by Liu JianchaoNumber Eight, by Wu YiminObserve, by Ah ChengConfinement, by Yuan BingfaHereâs How the Flu Spreads, by Qin YongThe Upholder of Unity, by Wang MengVI. ControversyA Tail, by Wang ZengqiBlack Hen, White Hen, by Ji DongliangMy One Comment Too Many, by Yi MingGan Xiaocaoâs Bamboo Pole, by Deng HongweiRight to the Heart of the Matter, by Wang MengSexual Harassment, by Lin Li-chunVII. AnticipationsBed-Wetting, by Zhang JishuThe Principle of Rebound, by Xu HaiweiAccidental Confidante, by Bai XiaoyiMatching Sets, by Wei JinshuHome, by Xiu XiangmingRendez-vous, by Si LiVIII. CreaturesCat, by Yuan QiongqiongPets, by Ah ChengSea Turtle, by Zhang KangkangFlies, by Yuan QiongqiongThe Crow and the Fox, by Liang DazhiWaiting for a Windfall, by Wang YanyanLittle Stray Cat, by Zhong LingIX. SharingDivision, by Zhou RuiPostcards, by Ye SiThe Cycle, by Ah ChengBlack Umbrella, by Yi RuofenSmall-Hands Chen, by Wang ZengqiIt Was the Pumpkin That Brought Me Here, by Luo FengIn-Law, by Cao NaiqianX. (In)FidelitiesElope, by Fu AimaoFrenchie, by Ai YaHickey, by Ku LingHorse Talk, by Mo YanA Family Catastrophe, by Ku LingHatred, by Ah ChengConfession of a Photographer, by Ku LingXI. NourishmentGood Wine, by Chen HuiChimney Smoke, by Ah Cheng0 CafĂ©, by Ku LingThe Bus Stop and Haws-sicles, by Zhou RuiGranny Drunkard, by Feng JicaiTea Scum, by Ling DingnianXII. WeirdnessDisputatiasis, by Wang MengThe Features-Column Editorâs Daydream, by Liu YichangDeath Dream, by Ku LingEmpty Seat, by Yuan QiongqiongLittle, Little, Little, Little, Little . . . , by Wang MengStrange Encounter, by Mo YanXIII. ?An Explosion in the Living Room, by Bai XiaoyiGoing Home, by Ai YaIt Looks as If . . . , by Teng GangNot Seen, by Yuan QiongqiongMy Wife Finally Goes Camping, by Lin JiContemplating Water, by Zhong LingXIV. ElegyFather, by Yuan QiongqiongA Knock at the Door, by Lin JinlanGrandpa Pothook, by Cao NaiqianKiller Well, by Zhong LingLooking Back at Life at the Moment of Death, by Cai NanAn Encounter with General Zhou, by Chi ZijianXV. Looking Backward and Looking AheadThe Look, by Li ZuchenNotesAbout the Authors
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"If sparrows are but a metaphor, every writer faces the challenge of reality, which is to say, how one catches this sparrow." So writes Bei Dao in his preface to Loud Sparrows, a spirited collection of ninety-one short-shorts, an exciting new form of extreme short-storytelling that has swept the creative consciousness of mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The artistic and aesthetic freedoms of short-shorts enable writers to capture the tone, texture, and chaos of their rapidly changing societies in infinitely inventive ways. Written by Chinese authors over the past three decades, the stories in this anthology are culled from newspapers, magazines, literary journals, and personal collections, and their subjects range from humanist ideals and traditional virtues to the material benefits of a commercialized society.
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Product details
Columbia University Press
229 mm
152 mm
UP, P, 05, 06
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Preface by