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Biographical note
Claude-Hélène Mayer is a Professor in Industrial and Organisational Psychology at the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management at the University of Johannesburg. She is a Semester at Sea Alumni (SASFA22) and a Board member of the International Academy of Intercultural Research. Further, she is an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Psychology (Positive Psychology) and for the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. She holds Doctoral degrees in Psychology, Management and Cultural Anthropology and her Venia Legendi is in Psychology with focus on Work, Organisational and Cultural Psychology. Her research areas include transcultural mental health, salutogenesis, transcultural conflict management and mediation, women in leadership, shame and love, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and psychobiography.Roelf van Niekerk (PhD) is a clinical and industrial psychologist and a registered master human resources professional. He is Professorand Director, School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resources, at Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He has also worked, among others, at St. John's University, Nelson Mandela University, Rhodes University, and is a member of the American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa, Health Professions Council of South Africa, and so on. He has published more than 30 research articles or chapters in peer reviewed publications.
Paul Fouché (PhD), is full Professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of the Humanities, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. He is a registered counselling psychologist and NRF rated C3 researcher. He has worked earlier at Vista University and Nelson Mandela Universities. He is a member of the Psychological Society for South Africa and has research interests in the areas of clinical health psychology, health and illness measures, psycho-education, psychological Intervention, and related fields. He has published many articles and several book chapters in journals or edited volumes.
Joseph G. Ponterotto is Professor and Chair at the Division of Psychological & Educational Services, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University at Lincoln Center, New York. He is a licensed psychologist and mental health counselor. He is coordinator of the M.S.Ed. Program in School Counseling at Fordham. He has been a member of task forces in various APA committees and is a member of 4 APA divisions as well as two sub-associations of the American Counseling Association, and a member of the American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology. He has edited or coedited and authored 14 volumes, including several handbooks, on multicultural assessment and counseling, and psychobiography.