Their work is subtle, refined and sympathetic. It is an excellent example of social-science work in which the authors do not pretend impartiality but state their values and allow their readers to learn from their findings and argue with their conclusions.
The New Yorker
Among the many recent studies of working class life...this stands out both for its compassion and its willingness to venture into subjective psychic realities painfully difficult to articulate and impossible to quantify.
Kirkus Review
The book is an exercise in secular prophecy, frequently involuted, sometimes contradictory, and often brilliant
New York Times
They are strongly marked by a personal style of thought which delights in para- dox and digs into the mind of the American worker in the manner of a Shakespearian critic analyzing the character of Hamlet
Political Science Quarterly
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Biographical note
Richard Sennett's first book was The Uses of Disorder in 1970. His other books include The Fall of Public Man, Flesh and Stone and Respect, as well as the recent Homo Faber trilogy: The Craftsman; Together; Building and Dwelling. He currently serves as Senior Advisor to the United Nations on its Program on Climate Change and Cities. He is Senior Fellow at the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University and Visiting Professor of Urban Studies at MIT. Among other awards, he has received the Hegel Prize, the Spinoza Prize, an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University, and the Centennial Medal from Harvard UniversityJonathan Cobb was a former associate of the Center for the Study of Public Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts.