In this fascinating book Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen analyses how Vietnamese Indigenous bilingual youth, in the face of discouragement, creatively deploy various language strategies. These are highly innovative and admirable, but they also constitute an individual language policy. In this respect and because of the excellence of the research, this volume constitutes a significant conceptual advance in language policy studies.
Joseph Lo Bianco, Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne, Australia
Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen’s innovative study of individual language policy in Vietnam is a pleasure to read and a welcome contribution to the field. With this book she has cemented her standing among a small cadre of experts studying Vietnamese language policy and planning. The in depth examination of the experiences of ethnically and linguistically minoritized youth provides an important lesson for us all.
David Cassels Johnson, University of Iowa, USA
This book makes an important and valuable contribution to the field, broaching how minority youth in Vietnam manage competing goals: the maintenance of a minority language and the acquisition of a majority language. A multidimensional analysis is offered of how an individual's language policy is practiced, perceived and negotiated in the multiple spaces of daily life.
Patricia Lamarre, University of Montreal, Canada
<p>Trang’s research monograph can be regarded as a pioneering attempt to launch a new dimension of language policy research—to examine how individuals’ language ideologies and practices can impact language policy development and implementation [...] It presents a compelling argument for the need to understand individuals’<br />
desire to construct their own identities as a driving force underlying their efforts to adopt particular language ideologies and manage their language practices.</p>
- Shuyun Zheng, Quanzhou Medical College, China and Xuesong (Andy) Gao, University of New South Wales, Australia, Current Issues in Language Planning, 2022
<p>The book enriches the emerging discussion of language policy at the individual level by conceptualising the notion of individual language policy and establishing a theoretical model based on this concept. While the book clearly sets out to explore Vietnamese society, the research findings and the ideas discussed provide valuable insights for other scholars to investigate individual language policy and beyond in other multilingual and multicultural societies where one or a few languages are dominant while other minority languages are <em></em>marginalised.</p>
Lanting Wang, Sociolinguistic Studies, 2024
<p>[This book] is a pioneer work on top-bottom language policy that explores Individual Language Policy (ILP) among indigenous Vietnam bilingual youths [...] the content and structure of this book are commendable, especially with highlighting vivid examples of individual language practices and the importance of these language practices for their identity. Additionally, taking a bottom-up approach to language policy is vital because it helps to understand the personal struggle and identity tensions, which will eventually help in language policy at other levels, from family to school, state, and nation.</p>
Yetunde S. Alabede, Michigan State University, USA, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 2023
<p>...a complete and well-conducted overview of the language practices, beliefs, and management of bilingual youth in Vietnam [...] this work will be highly valuable for the examination of regions facing comparable circumstances: a strong tendency among youth to transform and integrate into the majority norms, despite their connection with their ethnic values.</p>
Maria Antón i Álvarez de Cienfuegos, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, Language in Society 53 (2024)
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Biographical note
Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen works at the University of Queensland, Australia. Her research focuses on language and identity, language policy, language and social justice, language and intercultural communication, multilingualism and minority education.