This volume covers basic fields of Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language; both macro- and micro-domains are presented in the fields of language teaching, minority languages, and problems of language acquisition as well as practical issues of curricula planning and textbook writing. This book addresses students and scholars in the social sciences as well as public officials in education, language teachers and textbook writers.
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Covers basic fields of sociolinguistics and the sociology of language; both macro- and micro-domains are presented in the fields of language teaching, minority languages, and problems of language acquisition as well as practical issues of curricula planning and textbook writing.
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Section 1: Theoretical Issues.- 1. Language Attitudes and Educational Policy.- 2. Language Planning and Education.- 3. Critical Applied Linguistics and Education.- 4. Linguistic Discrimination in Educational Contexts.- 5. Power and Teacher-Administrator Discourse.- Section 2: Minorities and Education.- 6. Human Rights and Language Policy in Education.- 7. International Law and Education in a Minority Language.- 8. Language Policies for Indigenous Peoples.- 9. National Sign Languages and Language Policies.- 10. Non-Standard Varieties and Educational Policy.- Section 3: Specific Areas.- 11. Language Policies for a Multicultural Britain.- 12. Language Policy and Education in Australia.- 13. Language Policy and Education in the United States.- 14. Language Policy and Education in Canada.- 15. Linguistic Policy and Education in Francophone Countries.- 16. Language Policy and Education in South Africa.- 17. Language and Education in the Indian Sub-continent.- 18. Language Policy and Education in New Zealand and the South Pacific.- Section 4: Practical and Empirical Issues.- 19. The Politics of English Language Teaching.- 20. Media in Education.- 21. Language Policy in Teacher Education.- 22. School Language Policies.- 23. Teaching Language and Power.- Name Index.- Tables of Contents other Volumes.
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Springer Book Archives
Springer Book Archives

Product details

235 mm
155 mm
Research, UU, UP, P, 05, 06
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