'Hauntingly beautiful ... What an unusual, and unusually rich, experience it is to read Divisadero ... those who spend time within its pages will discover even more proof - not that they needed it - of Michael Ondaatje's peerlessness as a storyteller and poet' Washington Post Book World 'Magnificent ... From its first to last telling sentence, this aesthetic tale, poetic with human detail, is a rare and precious pleasure' USA Today 'Plumply imagined, deeply romantic but vividly traumatic ... This novel bravely jostles the uncomfortable edges of literary storytelling' Alan Warner, Guardian 'My life always stops for a new book by Michael Ondaatje. I began Divisadero as soon as it came into my possession and over the course of a few evenings was captivated by Ondaatje's finest novel to date' Jhumpa Lahiri