"Readers in the US have mostly known Dunya Mikhail by her three extraordinary poetry collections published since the early 2000s - poems of war, displacement, exile. In her astounding new book, The Beekeeper, she turns to the prose of journalist and witness, giving voice to women who have undergone every possible degradation and criminal abuse, and survived, though there are also stories here of women who did not. This utterly harrowing book is often hard to read - until one realizes that this 'discomfort' is nothing to what the women here have endured. It's also a story of those who have put their lives on the line to help rescue them, and help find their way back to a place of healing, reclaiming and affirming life,dignity, humanity. That very humanity - the real people, person by person, behind the numbers we read reports of, those captured, those killed - is part of what makes this a vital, necessary book."
- Rick Simonson,