In this well-written study, Michael J. Kruger makes accessible the overlooked, yet fascinating, world of second-century Christians. He not only introduces readers to the key texts, figures and modern scholars in the discussion, but also the social circumstances in which second-century Christians made their distinct identity claims. Kruger treats complex topics, such as the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, pagan criticisms of Christians or the textual culture of early Christians, with nuance. Christianity at the Crossroads is a fantastic introduction to second-century Christianity.
Chris Keith, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, St Maryâs University, London
If you've ever wondered what happened to the church after the apostles, how the church began to expand and grow, and why it developed its particular beliefs, then Michael Kruger has written the book for you. In this learned volume, Kruger takes readers into the mysterious second century, where he lucidly explains things like the formation of a distinctive Christian identity, pagan responses to Christianity, the rise of certain heresies, and the canonization of the New Testament. This book will open a whole new world that you never knew existed!
- Michael F. Bird, Academic Dean and Lecturer in New Testament, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia,
Kruger takes us into a world in which 'Christianity' is still very much at risk and up for grabs, struggling to find its identity in the midst of forces within and without seeking to define its identity or suppress its existence. His book invites us into the tensions and trajectories that would eventually give shape to what we, in distant retrospect, take for granted as Christian faith, practice, and polity. I recommend it highly.
- David A. deSilva, Professor of New Testament and Greek, Ashland Theological Seminary,
If readers are wondering whether a case can still be made from the primary sources for more traditional positions on 2nd-century Christianity, then this is a good place to look. It would serve well as an overview text in an introductory class on early Christianity, paired with primary sources-and with key secondary works arguing for opposing positions.
- Reading Religion,
A fine resource for readers so that the crossroads of the past can be seen in their historical settings and their relevance discerned for directions today's Christians may take.
- Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology,