`There is much in the book that is thought- provoking, and much wise counsel is offered.... I found this book immensely interesting.... I can recommend it to anyone with an interest in educational research′ - <b><i>British Journal of Educational Psychology
<p><b><i>`This book, edited by Jean Rudduck and Donald McIntyre, provides an insightful analysis of the key issues, involved in attempting to take stock of what should be the main purposes of educational research and how well the research that has been conducted has met these purposes..Overall, I found this book immensely interesting. It is published by Paul Chapman as one of the BERA Dialogues Series. This series is intended to provide a forum for a scholarly analysis of a theme that will be of interest to the international research community. This book fulfils this aim admirably and I can recommend it to anyone with an interest in educational research′ - <b><i>British Journal of Educational Psychology</i></b></i></b></p>
<p><b><i><b><i>`of use and interest to those presently engaged in educational research and evaluating educational policy. It certainly provides food for thought for all those in educational research community′ - <b><i>Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning</i></b></i></b></i></b></p>