....[The book's] strength lies in lucid and comprehensive explanations of the various theories of social movement, reflecting the author's many years of scholarship in this area.
Political Science Quarterly
Mason has produced a highly effective review of scholarship and perspectives on peasant/rural-based civil wars—defined as revolutions aimed at overthrowing the government and wars of secession when the goal is separate sovereignty. This impressive work is well organized and thorough. It offers instructive reading for public scholars and public policy makers in an era that continues to see revolts resultant from economic inequality and ethnic and religious divisions within weak states. Highly recommended.
Civil war has rent major parts of the Third World since World War II. How and why? T. David Mason here brings together theoretical insight, extensive evidence, and long observation of rural conflicts in a new, valuable synthesis.
- Charles Tilly, Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science, Columbia University,