<p>“Prophète, via Kover’s translation, demonstrates an impressive gift for lyrical prose. What makes <i>Blue</i> stand out is the way she turns familiar spaces—like, say, airports—into the sites of moments of beauty and reflection.” <b>—<i>Words Without Borders</i></b></p><p>“Impressionistic…evokes matrilineage…ruminates on travel—migration, dislocation, and exile.” <b>—<i>LitHub</i></b></p><p>“During a stopover in Miami, a young Haitian traveler scrolls through the lives of three women—those of her mother and her sisters—made up of servitude (under the weight of lying men), of exile (where love is a bad necessity), and of forgetting (in a world that can exist without them). They stood up; she can testify. <i>Blue (Le testament des solitudes)</i> is the fierce heritage of any (Black) woman.” <b>—Johary Ravaloson, author of <i>Return to the Enchanted Island</i></b></p>