"Levering is by now at the forefront of the younger generation of Catholic theologians in America. The Betrayal of Charity provides a profound treatment of particular patterns of sin together with a proper placement of those patterns within the grammar of love. A lovely and intellectually stimulating book." --Paul J. Griffiths, Warren Chair of Catholic Theology, Duke Divinity School
"Levering's account of love brings Aquinas' moral theology alive for contemporary readers. The Betrayal of Charity sets up a rich dialogue with the biblical texts, as well as Jewish, Protestant, and secular accounts of the virtues and the vices that contradict them." --Brian Brock, Lecturer in Moral Practical Theology, University of Aberdeen and author of Christian Ethics in a Technological Age
" The Betrayal of Charity is spirited and engaging. Levering addresses very worthy interlocutors--including Hays and Schwartz--and gives them a good run for their money." --Gary Anderson, Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, University of Notre Dame
The Betrayal of Charity: The Sins That Sabotage Divine Love is a piece of scholarship that is unique and creative in its approach and well worth reading. It offers the reader an engaging, scholarly treatment of sins against love and how these sins relate to current issues. -- Perry J. Cahall, Pontifical College Josephinum -- The Thomist
Levering demonstrates that 'contemplating charity in light of its opposites' will deepen our understanding of the primary theological virtue. This work of moral theology takes scripture and Thomas Aquinas as chief sources for insightful reflections on hatred, sloth, envy, discord, schism, violence and scandal. Levering's brilliance lies in clearing away the sins that sabotage divine love through critical readings of Christianity's critics. -- The Christian Century