Lispector is the premier Latin American woman prose writer of this century
The New York Times Book Review
Clarice Lispector left behind an astounding body of work that has no real corollary inside literature or outside it
- Rachel Kushner, Bookforum
Brilliant and unclassifiable: glamorous, cultured, moody, Lispector is an emblematic twentieth-century artist who belongs in the same pantheon as Kafka and Joyce
- Edmund White,
One of the true originals of Latin American literature
- Terrence Rafferty, The New York Times Book Review
A genius on the level of Nabokov
- Jeff VanderMeer, Slate
Sphinx, sorceress, sacred monster. The revival of the hypnotic Clarice Lispector has been one of the true literary events of the twenty-first century
- Parul Seghal, The New York Times