"Sue's book, and the accompanying research, writing, and trainingon microaggressions, is the most important recent development instudying racism, sexism, and heterosexism. Given thecomprehensiveness and importance of Microaggressions in Everyday Life, it is hard to considerany significant weaknesses of this book. We hope that this bookwill be a good resource for individuals in organizationalleadership, coaching, and the mental health field when engagingthis discussion." ( Journal of Psychological Issues inOrganizational Culture, October 27, 2010) "In his book, Dr. Sue presents the first ever analysis of theunintended slights that take their toll on the people of color,women, gay/lesbian, transgendered and other groups.Microaggressions is wrtten with an unusual combination of scholarlycare, and accessibility for a lay audience a feature that owes muchto Sue's own connection to his topic." (Unity First, Fall2010) "Microaggressions in Everyday Life is robust with scienceand practice. The writing is engaging and thought provoking. It isa major contribution to the multicultural field and to the largersociety. The one feature that I found most helpful about theorganization of the book is that each chapter ends with a sectiontitled The Way Forward. Here, Sue provides compelling insights andinterventions to help the reader with ideas regarding what can bedone about the issues raised in the chapter. The Way Forwardsections in Chapter 11 and 12 are replete with specific examplesfor educators and mental health practitioners. I found these twosections to be especially strong; if educators and practitionersbegin implementing these suggestions, we will make significantstrides toward shining a light on, giving a voice to, and perhapsameliorating microaggressions." (PsycCRITIQUES, 22 September2010) "Derald Wing Sue, an expert on discrimination, enlightens onmatters like this, in Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race,Gender and Sexual Orientation. He is no lightweight. Sue hasserved on the President's Advisory Board on Race, and was presidentof the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic MinorityIssues. He co-founded the Asian American Psychological Association,and is a former president of the Society of Counseling Psychologyof the American Psychological Association. Sue has developed thefirst categorization of conscious and intentional actions, slursand racial epithets, even as unintended slights or social cues,when dominant groups attempt to subordinate minority groups, makethem uncomfortable, marginalize and inflict a mental, emotional andeven physical toll. Sue claims studies indicate racialmicro-aggressions have a devastating impact." (Ponte Al Dia,March 9, 2010)