The greatest German writer of our time. Such poets as Rilke or such novelists as Thomas Mann are dwarfs or plastic saints in comparison with him
Vladimir Nabokov
A genius
[Kafka] spoke for millions in their new unease; a century after his birth, he seems the last holy writer, and the supreme fabulist of modern man's cosmic predicament
John Updike
The distinction Kafka, or his heroes, draw between "this" world and "the" world does not imply that there are two different worlds, only that our habitual conceptions of reality are not the true conception
W.H. Auden
The stories are dreamlike, allegorical, symbolic, parabolic, grotesque, ritualistic, nasty, lucent, extremely personal, ghoulishly detached, exquisitely comic, numinous, and prophetic
New York Times
An information bureau of the human condition
A great writer
Philip Roth