<p>"This book provides a comprehensive in-depth coverage of all aspects of analysis and design for both students and practising engineers. Explanations of structural behaviour and design concepts are given in terms that are easy to follow and understand. Requirements and application of Eurocode are fully explained and illustrated by worked examples."</p><p>-- Tony Threlfall, Consultant, UK </p><p>"It is a first rate book which should be useful to both Masters Level students and practitioners. The book is very clearly written and structured. The emphasis on providing clear explanations of physical behavior is particularly appealing."</p><p>-- Robert Vollum, Imperial College London</p><p>"The book is organized in a logical sequence from simply support beam to continuous beam and then two way slabs, from basic principles to more complicate analysis such as long term creep and shrinkage effect and cracking."</p><p>-- Neil Tsang, Coventry University, UK</p><p>"There are many diagrams and worked examples, the second edition benefiting from a clearer layout and some photographs, the first having only diagrams. It refers to provisions of Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004) and other relevant EN Standards where the design requirements are Code specific."</p><p>-- The Concrete Society, UK</p>