Irritable Squirrel and jolly, sanguine Duck live together in an abandoned fibreglass tree – until their home is destroyed and they’re drawn into a saga of stolen paintings and helicopter heists in their quest for a new one. A hilarious, highly illustrated beginning to an addictive new 6+ series.
- Imogen Russell Williams, Guardian
Hilarious, off-the-wall and great fun
- Natasha Harding, Sun
Enough jeopardy, action and pace in the story to engage young readers throughout
Books for Keeps
I just LOVE Squirrel and Duck! They are absolutely NUTS and won't stop arguing - even when they're trying to save their secret hideout. <i>Mission Improbable </i>had me laughting out laud from the very first page!
- Emily-Jane Clark, author of The Beasts of Knobbly Bottom,