Forewords: Peak performing organizations relish change, William F. Weitzel, Designing and nurturing peak performing organizations, Gene Deszca, Preface: Achieving peak performance: Healthy individuals and healthy organizations, Ronald J. Burke, Part I Introduction, 1. The peak performing organization: An overview, Ronald J. Burke and Lisa Fiksenbaum, Part II Organizational Processes, 2. Work motivation and performance management prescriptions, Gary P. Latham, Rebecca L. Greenbaum and Mary Bardes, 3. Building engagement in the workplace, Arnold Bakker, 4. Leaning motivation and transfer of human capital development: Implications from Psychological Capital, Gwendolyn M. Combs, Fred Luthans and Jakari Griffith, 5. Fostering career development in organizations, Yehuda Baruch, 6. Talent proofing the organization, Paul Sparrow and Shashi Balain, 7. How to build expert teams: Best practices, Sallie J. Weaver, Jessica L. Wildman and Eduardo Salas, 8. Maintaining executive health and well-being, Joanne H. Gavin, James Campbell Quick, Cary L. Cooper and Jonathan D. Quick, 9. Leadership development: Training design strategies for growing adaptability in leaders, Katherine Ely, Stephen J. Zaccaro and Elizabeth A.Conjar, Part III Organizational Strategy and Design, 10. Employee selection and retention: The added value of psychological well-being for peak performing organizations, Ivan T. Robertson, 11. Developing and sustaining an ethical and moral tone in organizations, R. Edward Freeman, Dean W .Krehmeyer and Brian Moriarty, 12. Developing managerial and organizational cultural agility, Paula Caligiuri and Ibraiz Tarique, 13. Employer branding and corporate reputation management: A model and some evidence, Graeme Martin, 14. Improving the success of mergers and acquisitions, Mitchell Lee Marks, 15. Development of corporate citizenship: Four trajectories, Philip M. Mirvis, 16. Improving corporate governance practices, Morton Huse, Jonas Gabrielsson and Alesasandro Minichilli
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