1. Disaster mental health: exposure, impact, and responses; Part I. Concepts: 2. Disaster mental health research - past, present, and future; 3. The experience of disaster: trauma, loss, adversities, and community effects; Part II. Psychopathology after Disasters: 4. Anxiety disorders and PTSD; 5. Physical health problems after disasters; 6. Substance use and misuse after disaster: prevalences and correlates; 7. Depression and prolonged grief in the wake of disasters; 8. What is psychopathology after disasters? Considerations about the nature of the psychological and behavioral consequences of disease; Part III. Vulnerability and Resilience: 9. Resilience after disaster; 10. Social and cognitive frameworks for understanding the mental health consequences of disasters; 11. Distinctions that matter: received social support, perceived social support, and social embeddedness after disasters; Part IV. Special Groups: 12. Women and disasters; 13. Child mental health in the aftermath of disaster: a review of PTSD studies; 14. Disaster mental health in older adults: symptoms, policy, and planning; 15. The effects of disaster on the mental health of individuals with disabilities; 16. Factors associated with exposure and response to disasters among marginalized populations; 17. Journalism and media during disasters; 18. Uniformed rescue workers responding to disaster; Part V. Interventions and Health Services: 19. Mental health treatments in the wake of disaster; 20. Evidence-based long-term treatment of mental health consequences of disaster among adults; 21. Mental health care for children in the wake of disasters; 22. Utilization of mental health services after disasters; Part VI. Case Studies; Section 1. Natural Disasters: 23. The mental health impact of the Southeast Asia tsunami; 24. Advances in our understanding of earthquake trauma and its treatment - a self-help model of mental health care for survivors; 25. Hurricane Katrina; Section 2. Technological Disasters: 26. The long-term mental health impacts of the Chernobyl accident; 27. The Exxon Valdez oil spill; 28. Enschede fireworks disaster; Section 3. Mass Violence: 29. Eyewitness to mass murder: findings from studies of four multiple shooting episodes; 30. The Oklahoma City bombing; 31. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in New York; 32. The psychological consequences of the London bombings; 33. Psychological responses to terrorism in Israel: 2000–4; Part VII. Questions and Directions: 34. Methodological challenges in studying the mental health consequences of disasters; 35. Community burden of disability and disease.
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