<p><strong>"The numbers, maps and fine-grained detail of this work illuminate and delineate the intersection of key challenges of globalization. It brings much needed explanation and perspective to this contested area. This Atlas really does try to balance the sky on its shoulders."</strong> <i>– Neil Adger, University of Exeter, UK</i></p><p>"There is a tragic connection between the incapacity of nation states to respond to migration and to climate change. In both cases, it is the very notion of sovereignty that seems questioned. One solution is to try to maintain the status quo, the other to map how inefficient the notion of sovereignty has become. This is one of the major achievements of this Atlas." <i>– Bruno Latour, Sciences Po, France</i></p><p>"The fates of individuals and communities most vulnerable to climate change are often forgotten in political debates. Climate justice, which links human rights and development to achieve a human-centred approach, requires us to safeguard the rights of the most vulnerable people and share the burdens and benefits of climate change and its impacts equitably and fairly. <i>The Atlas of Environmental Migration</i> deserves much praise for bringing people and their rights into the heart of the issue of environmental displacement."<i> – Mary Robinson, President, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice, Ireland</i></p><p>"Climate stresses and the degradation of resources and agriculture are major drivers of migration in Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world. This Atlas provides a balanced picture of how the mismanagement of the environment can directly impact people's lives. It highlights the importance of protecting our environment thus reducing the risk of forced migration and how coherent migration-based strategies can provide a lifeline to millions of people." <i>– Thomas L. Friedman, author and columnist, USA</i></p>